Strategie, Organisation & Unternehmensentwicklung
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"Marietta’s professional demeanor and her organization and teaching skills were very well received by both the assistants and Ernst & Young Partners. The results were evident in the improved attitude, capabilities and efficiency of the department. I would recommend Marietta to any organization in any similar role." Aaron Johnson, Partner Ernst & Young LLC
" The lecture was fantastic! Thank you very much.
I feel very grateful to you for such a wonderful present, and I am really happy that I had luck to meet you. On my way home after the lecture, I replayed your words in my mind and felt optimistic thinking about the future and my plans. The new things I learned from you today will definitely help me improve my planning of time and will provide me with more free time to enjoy." L Natarova, Manager PriceWaterhouseCoopers
"Wir sind wirklich sehr traurig und es ist echt schade, eine so professionelle und super ausgebildete Trainerin mit jahrelanger Erfahrung – auch durch Auslandsaufenthalte – zu verlieren. Du hast den Unterricht durch Deine frische, quirlige Art immer sehr interessant, strukturiert, professionell und kurzweilig gestaltet. Dein Ausdruck ist von Eleganz geprägt. Du wirst uns fehlen!" M und H Sälzer, BMW München
Award: Texas regions take flight award, 2011
Impulse und Motivation
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