Deniz Kayadelen

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Personality, Success & Motivation


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Deniz Kayadelen
Speaker Deniz Kayadelen
  • ZDF Doku : Willensstärke Motivation Deniz Kayadelen

  • Mein Körper Mein Wohlfühlgefühl -ARD Dokumentation mit Deniz Kayadelen

  • Trotz Kälte und hohen Wellen: Deniz Kayadelen will den Ärmelkanal überqueren | alles wissen

  • Deniz Kayadelen Rede im Kick Off Fitline 2023

  • Ängste sind unsere Freunde!

  • Speaker Agency Talks | Inspire & Impact - Deniz Kayadelen

  • Out of Comfort Zone | Deniz Kayadelen | TEDxYouth@BodrumCollege

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Deniz Kayadelen is a business psychologist, bestselling author, keynote speaker and expert in personal development. She is an exceptional personality who has proven that mental strength and focussed action can make even the seemingly impossible possible. As a world champion ice swimmer and Guinness record holder for the highest ice water swim, she has overcome physical and mental limits that seem unattainable for many. She combines this experience with her sound training in business psychology and many years of experience in management consultancy. Deniz shows how everyone can leave their comfort zone and unleash unimagined potential. Her unique ability to transfer the principles of peak performance from sport to personal and professional development makes her a sought-after expert in personal development. She knows how to build resilience, activate motivation and generate growth from setbacks - skills that are indispensable in the modern working world. Her methodical approach is based on scientific knowledge and practical experience. With inspiring talks, seminars & coaching sessions, Deniz offers transformative approaches that enable sustainable high performance. With her authentic and engaging style, she manages to move people and make change tangible.


Deniz Kayadelen has lived and worked in more than five countries and managed over 30 projects in management consulting. As a management consultant, she specialises in change management and talent management and most recently headed the Talent Management Consulting department at EY in Switzerland, where she set up and managed the department.

The psychology of success: How mindset drives motivation and success

  • How to overcome mental limits and achieve peak performance
  • How to strengthen your own abilities with courage and faith
  • How to develop a growth mindset that drives individual and corporate growth
  • How to create a culture of progress that supports learning, creativity and motivation
  • How to use mindset as a central factor to achieve long-term goals and promote high performance.


Get out of your comfort zone: unleash hidden potential

  • How to overcome fears and limiting beliefs and realise your full potential
  • How to master challenging situations and develop a growth mindset
  • How to increase your resilience and achieve big goals in 3 steps


Next Level Leadership: How teams achieve peak performance

  • How to maximise the performance of your teams through clear strategies and synergies.
  • How companies structure their teams so that they work more efficiently, creatively and successfully.
  • How to lead teams to measurably greater success with the High Performance Formula
  • How to motivate employees to achieve top performance with effective leadership skills


Success through change: how transformation can drive your company forward

  • How to pick up employees during change and motivate them to break new ground
  • How to use change processes as a driver for innovation and growth
  • How to create a corporate culture that supports change and transforms fears into opportunities.
  • How to successfully shape transformation while strengthening employee loyalty and productivity.
  • How to prepare your company for the challenges of tomorrow and make it fit for the future.

Further topics:


Pursuit of gold: limits only exist in the mind

Fear as a motor for change

Turning crises into opportunities

Talent management of the future: Finding, developing and retaining the right talent

Intercultural competences and future skills

References & Press

Extract of company references:
Porsche, Coca Cola, Roche, DHL, EY, Trelloborg, AMC, Knorr Bremse, Daimler, Takeda, Amcor, VW


Media reports and quotes:


‘Deniz Kayadelen was named one of the top 10 most influential women in the world of entrepreneurship and leadership in 2023. Her ability to lead people and teams to peak performance has set the standard not only in the business world, but also in the world of sports.’ NYC Journal


‘Deniz Kayadelen combines the mental focus and resilience of an elite athlete with the demands of a business leader like no other. Her practical workshops are a real asset to any organisation. ‘Forbes


‘With her blend of business psychology and top sport strategies, Deniz is one of the most sought-after speakers to take to the big stage and inspire companies with her expertise.’ Süddeutsche Zeitung


‘Deniz Kayadelen is a three-time world champion in ice swimming - but without fear she would never have won these medals’ NZZ


‘We were privileged to welcome Deniz Kayadelen to speak at our team event and she delivered an unforgettable experience. A world champion swimmer and inspirational speaker, Deniz captivated the audience with her incredible story of resilience, determination and success. Her ability to connect with the team, motivate and share practical insights was truly outstanding. Deniz's energy, authenticity and motivational approach left a lasting impression on everyone in attendance. As a coach, Deniz combines her sporting discipline with tailored strategies to help individuals fulfil their potential. She is a true motivator and role model who leaves a lasting impression on everyone she works with. I highly recommend her for any organisation looking for a speaker, trainer or coach who can inspire and empower.’ Knorr Bremse, CEO Ozan Cicek 


‘Deniz is a true inspiration to us all. Extreme swimmer, bestselling author and an extremely friendly colleague. She lives what she preaches and this was particularly evident in the webinar on 24 February where she was the keynote speaker. She inspired over 1,000 participants and her infectiously positive energy shone throughout. Her calm composure, ever-smiling face, authentic conversational style, clever and inspiring choice of words and discipline clearly stood out.’ EY, Partner, Mahesh Hinduja 




2025: World champion in ice swimming 500m crawl at 1 degree water temperature in Italy

2024: World record holder - Highest swim on earth

2023: Winspire Magazine - nominated as the most inspirational woman internationally

2024: World record holder - Highest swim on earth in Nepal

2023: World champion in ice swimming

2023: 3 times world champion in ice swimming

2022: Top 10 Influential Women - NYC New York Journal

2022: Woman Superpower Forbes speaker nominee, Forbes

2021: Speaker of the Year - TEDx Youth Bodrum College

2020: Top Speaker - Guinness World Records



Raus aus der Komfortzone: Erkenntnisse fürs Leben aus Business, Psychologie und Sport

ISBN : 979-8872366263


Out Of Comfort Zone: Cutting Edge Business Lessons Based on Sports Psychology from the Experience of an Extreme Swimmer

ISBN : 979-8563252356


Erfolgreiches Management im internationalen Kontext

ISBN : 978-3841750068



S2, Ep 4 Fernweh: Deniz Kayadelen

S2, Ep 4 Fernweh: Deniz Kayadelen

Wege aus deiner Komfortzone – wertvolle Lifehacks | Deniz Kayadelen ~ The Glow Habit - by The Female Skincare Company Podcast

Eissschwimm-Weltmeisterin Deniz Kayadelen – so habe ich meine Ängste besiegt | A&U #019

Inklusion im Fokus mit Deniz Kayadelen, Gründerin Out of Our Comfort Zone – INLEAD Podcast #15 ~ Inklusion im Fokus - INLEAD Podcast

Women in the Spotlight: DENIZ KAYADELEN


Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 3
Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 4
Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 5
Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 6
Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 7
Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 8
Expert Marketplace - Deniz Kayadelen - Impressions 9

Presentation types

  • Business talk

  • Interview

  • Workshop

  • Infotainment

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

  • Audience interaction

Required equipment

Apple notebook
Apple notebook