Julian Philipp Nagel

Go left when others go right



Digitalization, Innovation & Future


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Julian Philipp Nagel
  • Masterclass at #OMR24 with Along, SalesViewer, OMR Reviews

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Julian Philipp Nagel, keynote speaker, start-up founder is a passionate entrepreneur with an impressive career in B2B sales and the technology industry. After graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration as an NCAA D1 athlete from Fordham University in New York City, he began his career at Rocket Internet. There he managed commercial departments and focussed on B2B operations and large industrial projects. After five years in the US, he returned to Europe and continued his education at Copenhagen Business School, where he studied a mix of management and technology and wrote his master's thesis on an AI startup. Back in Berlin, he gained valuable experience in management consulting at Bridgemaker, where he worked on large B2B deals with companies such as Rolls Royce and Atlas Copco. In 2022, together with his brother, Along, Julian founded a buyer engagement platform that supports sales teams with accurate engagement data to make the sales process more predictable and scalable. With clients in the EU, US and beyond, Along has revolutionised sales. Julian shares his insights as a sought-after keynote speaker on international stages and inspires his audiences with innovative approaches and solutions for B2B sales.

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B2B Sales - Digitale Verkaufsräume richtig einsetzen

  • Wie Sie das Einkaufsverhalten Ihrer potenziellen Kunden in komplexen B2B-Sales-Prozessen analysieren und verstehen
  • Wie Sie die Erkenntnisse Ihrer Analyse zur Optimierung Ihre Verkaufsprozesse nutzen und Umsätze steigern
  • Wie Sie mit den gesammelten Daten Ihren Forecast präzisieren und optimieren

Venture Building - Unternehmensaufbau von Start-ups

  • Wie Sie von der ersten Idee zum MVP kommen
  • Wie Sie Ihr Produkt zur Marktreife entwickeln
  • Wie Sie Ihr Produkt am Markt skalieren und expandieren

Fund Raising - Das große 1x1 der Start-up-Finanzierung

  • Eigenfinanzierung vs. Fremdfinanzierung
  • Dos and Don'ts einer Wagniskapitalfinanzierung
  • Wie Sie eine erfolgreiche Fundraising-Strategie entwickeln

Weitere Themen:


Performance Marketing & Branding - Erfolgreiche Unternehmensplatzierung am Markt

References & Press

Auf Anfrage


🇩🇪 Wie du mit einem Mutual Action Plan deine Closingrate verbesserst | Julian Nagel - Along by Sales and Pepper Interviews | Der Sales Podcast für modernen Vertrieb

Bye Bye, Buyer Blackbox - EP 34 | Julian Philipp Nagel


Expert Marketplace - Julian Philipp Nagel - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Julian Philipp Nagel - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Julian Philipp Nagel - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Julian Philipp Nagel - Impressions 3

Presentation types

  • Specialized lecture

  • Business talk

  • Interview

  • Practical relevance

  • Impulses and motivation

Required equipment
