Meryl Deep

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Management, Leadership & Change


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Meryl Deep
  • Keynote Mut by Meryl Deep - Gewinnerin Speakers Excellence Slam 2024

  • Wer ist Meryl Deep

  • Eventmoderation: Einzigartige Präsenz & Eloquenz by Meryl Deep

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Meryl Deep is more than just a keynote speaker - she is a statement. As a “drag queen among executives”, she combines the world of business expertise with the fascination of glamor and charisma. Thanks to her many years of experience as a strategic marketing executive at Coca-Cola, she conveys expertise and powerful messages in her talks that have a long-lasting effect. Her talent for getting to the heart of complex topics such as change management, diversity & inclusion and modern leadership culture with style and intelligence makes her an indispensable voice for any stage. She knows how to get to the heart of complex issues and make them tangible with a pinch of humor and sophistication. Meryl Deep combines entertaining storytelling with astute impulses that help companies embrace change and celebrate sustainable success. With her unique mix of style, depth and a dash of glamor, she transforms events into unforgettable experiences.

Companies looking for fresh perspectives, an inspiring ambassador for change & diversity and an incomparable highlight for their events will be thrilled by Meryl Deep. Meryl Deep is not just a name, but a promise: Stylish, inspiring, unforgettable.



Change is the new glamor: How to master change with style, strength & joy

  • How to recognize and accept the pressure to change and turn it into your success story
  • How to turn those affected into participants and take everyone with you on an inspiring journey into the future
  • How to create new perspectives with diversity and courage, in which every change becomes a stage for success.
  • How to overcome internal resistance and celebrate change as a joint new start.


Diversity rocks! How the success factor diversity makes your company unbeatable

  • How to create a corporate culture that brings out the talent in everyone
  • How to become more creative and innovative than ever before through the power of diversity
  • How to show that living diversity is not just a trend, but your key to growth & success
  • How to lead your teams to peak performance and achieve your corporate goals more easily by practising diversity


Glamorous moderation with personality

  • Lends elegance and unforgettableness to your gala or award event.
  • Guides you through congresses, forums and panel discussions with charm and style.
  • Stages unique moments for your audience with a touch of extravagance.


References & Press

“On 29.04.24 Meryl Deep actively supported us at our Inclusion 366 Summit at the Telekom headquarters in Bonn. Both the styling and the outfit were amazing and perfectly suited to the occasion! In general, the appearance radiated the perfect mix of glamor and professionalism. But the conversations were also very valuable - you can tell that behind the glittering façade there is sound expertise on the subject of LGBTQIA+. We achieved our goal and through Meryl Deep we attracted many employees who wanted to learn more about MagentaPride and definitely enjoyed a lot of attention.” JOLANDA & CHRISTOPHER LEAD MAgenta Pride @TELEKOM


“Meryl Deep is a true artist when it comes to inspiring people. She manages to address deep topics with ease and humor and find the right words in every situation. With her keynote on the topic of “self-discovery” at our customer event, she not only encouraged people but also ensured that there was not a dry eye in the house - from laughter and, above all, emotion. Everyone should experience this unique combination of speaking and drag. Thank you for your being and your courageous approach, dear Meryl.” STEFANIE BARKHAU Managing Director SPICE UP YOUR BUSINESS GmbH

“On 29.04.24 Meryl Deep actively supported us at our Inclusion 366 Summit at the Telekom headquarters in Bonn. Both the styling and the outfit were amazing and perfectly suited to the occasion! In general, the appearance radiated the perfect mix of glamor and professionalism. But the conversations were also very valuable - you can tell that behind the glittering façade there is sound expertise on the subject of LGBTQIA+. We achieved our goal and through Meryl Deep we attracted many employees who wanted to learn more about MagentaPride and definitely enjoyed a lot of attention.” JOLANDA & CHRISTOPHER LEAD MAgenta Pride @TELEKOM



Ideen von heute für die Arbeitswelt von morgen

ISBN : 978-3648173671



Folge 24: Auf Veränderungsreise mit Meryl Deep

#013 - Meryl Deep: Eine Drag Queen belebt die Unternehmenswelt

#17, Pirna! Kleine Stadt Großes Zeichen, Mit: Meryl Deep ~ Dachboden Revue - Reality of Life Podcast

#30 Meryl, wie machst du dich für Toleranz und Vielfalt stark?


Expert Marketplace - Meryl Deep - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Meryl Deep - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Meryl Deep - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Meryl Deep - Impressions 3
Expert Marketplace - Meryl Deep - Impressions 4
Expert Marketplace - Meryl Deep - Impressions 5

Presentation types

  • Business talk

  • Interview

  • Hosting

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Infotainment

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment

Apple notebook
Apple notebook