Mama moodmap

"More trust through tension"



Strategy, Organization & Corporate Development


de de de
Mama moodmap
  • CEO Thomas Welser zu moodmap®

  • Markus Bormann Leiter Kulturentwicklunjg WELSER D zu moodmap®

  • Bettina Taxer Leitung Recruting dm Austria zu moodmap®

  • Helmut Maier Leitung Persönl Dienste dm Austira zu moodmap®

  • Pamela Rath spontan zu moodmap®

  • Kathi ;Miller über moodmap®

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As a systemic coach, Reingard Winter-Hager helps managers and organizations to develop real teams with a strong sense of unity. Her focus is on the relationship level, which for her is the basis of good communication. Her motto: “Cooperation alone does not make a real team.”

As an anthropologist, consultant and founder of moodmap® GmbH, she has created moodmap®, a tool that strengthens teams communicatively, emotionally and socially. The color-coded system is based on three fundamental, evolutionarily anchored human traits and makes the influence of mood on behavior and team dynamics visible. At the “DiversiTable”, differences are dealt with playfully and with humor in order to create trust and develop new ways of working together.

moodmap® is a further development of the bioLogic analysis tool, based on the research of neuroscientist Gerhard Roth.


Leading Teams

  • How to build trust and conflict competence in your team 
  • How to use differences and tensions in your team to develop together
  • How to make team agreements that stick

Communication in the team

  • How to cope better with differences - greater understanding within the team
  • Better incorporate the employee's personal values
  • Deciphering inner (individual) stress patterns
  • get into the flow together - team excellence

Personality tests cannot be scientific

  • Why personality tests are not scientific
  • Why it doesn't matter
  • How you can support teams

CLEAR IS KIND - Healthy organizations and organizational areas

  • What distinguishes healthy organizations from unhealthy ones
  • Which fundamental questions need to be answered in a SIMPLE way
  • How this clarity helps the organization to become healthier
  • How this becomes part of everyday life and benefits everyone

References & Press

Extract from company references:

  • Welser Profile - CEO Statement
  • Henkel - Marketing Europe Chief
  • Hartlauer - HR Manager and Head of Academy
  • Welber Hydraulik - HR Manager
  • Microtronics CEO
  • University of Vienna - Head of HR
  • dm Austria - Head of HR


Expert Marketplace - Mama moodmap - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Mama moodmap - Impressions 1


The moodmap app enters the ß phase in October

Presentation types

  • Business talk

  • Interview

  • Hosting

  • Workshop

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Infotainment

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment

Presentation Case
Presentation Case