Dr. Susanne Dietz

"...because compatibility is a matter for the boss!"



Management, Leadership & Change


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Dr. Susanne Dietz
  • buSINNess® - damit Arbeit Sinn macht!

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Speaker and author Dr. Susanne Dietz is an expert on the topics of work-life balance and a sense of purpose in the world of work. After working in various strategic roles as an HR manager and personnel developer for well-known employers, she now supports countless companies and individuals as a trainer, coach and consultant. With her podcast “buSINNess MOM”, the mother of three has been inspiring people to successfully master professional and private challenges since 2019. Her particular strength lies in conveying her topics in a practical way and with scientific depth. In her talks and workshops, Susanne Dietz combines current practical examples with proven coaching approaches. Her presentations are interactive, informative and motivating, and she always responds to the needs of her audience. She offers lively insights into topics such as skills shortages, recruiting and employer branding. If you want to offer your audience practical solutions and inspiring impulses for a meaningful working day, Susanne Dietz is the perfect choice. 


Skills shortage? Management and motherhood - How smart employers secure female specialists and managers

  • “Bye-bye, women's quota. Goodbye, skills shortage.”
    Why you can find the best female employees on the playground.
  • “And then a completely different woman came back!”
    On developing an identity as a mother and what a successful return to work looks like.
  • “It takes more than just childcare places.”
    On management and HR tools that make real compatibility possible.

Employee retention - Why compatibility is the success factor for retaining female high potentials.

  • “Find another clown and I'll find another circus!”
    Why the best female employees always leave the company first.
  • “Sandwiches and the usual blah blah blah...”
    Which family-friendly measures really motivate mothers and inspire them to stay with the company in the long term.
  • “Compatibility? We don't have any money for that!”
    Why work-life balance is always a matter for the boss and all it takes is the right mindset.

Recruiting - Why modern HR management is needed to attract the brightest minds.

  • “Skills shortages and quotas for women. Anything else?”
    How HR can secure the brightest minds with modern measures, processes and structures.
  • “Would you like a family?” 
    Why work-life balance needs to be an integral part of recruiting and how you can position it securely in terms of employment law.
  • “So that work makes sense!”
    What companies can do for real work-life balance without having to implement costly measures.

Reconciliation - buSINNess® MOM - The truth about becoming a mother

  • “I imagined it would be different!”
    Insight into the mind of a mother who not only loves her children, but also her job.
  • “Enjoy the magic of the first time.”
    Why it takes breaking taboos and disillusionment with motherhood
  • “Reconciliation concerns us all!”
    Why the answer to reconciliation lies with all of us and requires excellent leadership.

References & Press

Auszug Firmenreferenzen:
AOK, Arkwright Consulting GmbH, BMW AG, Commerzbank, Condé Nast, Deka, Fujitsu, Frankfurt School of Finance, LMU München, SKY, Soka Bau, Sparkasse, time:matters - A company of Lufthansa Cargo, TU Darmstadt, tomra, uponor, u.v.a.



“Rhetorically brilliant!”
Think Tank “Meaning in work” 2016, xpand GmbH

“Best training session I had so far! Excellent presenter and high quality of presentation!”
Arkwright Consulting GmbH


“There should be more women like you who talk openly about motherhood and the challenges.”
Sabine Asgodom


“An absolutely touching presentation! Thank you very much for the insight into the psyche of a working mother.”

Network meeting PE Germany


Book recommendation “HR management and motherhood”  
Human Resources Manager, June 2024


“Susanne Dietz, an expert on meaning, employer branding and the advancement of women, deals explicitly with the tension between motherhood and HR management.” 
Personnel Management, DGFP Magazine, July 2024


“Quote...” Media/newspaper name



Awards and honors:

Success magazine The 500 most important minds in the world of success

2022, 2023, 2024



HR Management und Mutterschaft - weibliche Fach- und Führungskräfte für Unternehmen sichern

ISBN : 3381106317

24.90 €


Sinnkrieger - die sechs Stufen zu mehr Sinn bei der Arbeit

ISBN : 3867644918

19.99 €


War for Talents - Erfolgsfaktoren im Kampf um die Besten

ISBN : 3662574802

69.99 €


Die Optimierung der Redeleistung im Rhetorik- und Kommunikationstraining

ISBN : 3640267788

49.99 €


Komplexe Informationen über Websites - Eine Untersuchung zur Erläuterung von Coaching

ISBN : 3640254864

52.95 €


Frauen – Männer – Management -

ISBN : 9783658079277

44.99 €




Podcast für Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf


Expert Marketplace - Dr. Susanne Dietz - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Dr. Susanne Dietz - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Dr. Susanne Dietz - Impressions 2


November 2024: Interview in the magazine “Personalwirtschaft” - “Frauen in Führung so gelingt es.


June 2024: “Human Resources Manager” magazine - book review “HR Management and Motherhood”


July / August 2024: Magazine “Personalführung” - Book review “HR Management and Motherhood”

Presentation types

  • Business talk

  • Interview

  • Workshop

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Online lecture

  • Specialized lecture

Required equipment
