Amina Meineker

Success with the right frequency: 13 Hertz as the key to the future



Management, Leadership & Change


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Amina Meineker
Trainer Amina Meineker
  • SpeakerSlam Gewinnerin 2021 Amina Meineker

  • „Erfolgs-Frequenzen“ - die richtige Schwingung für Change, Leadership und Innovation

  • SINN|MACHT|GEWINN 2020 - Keynote Amina Meineker: Von Sinn, Gewinn, Glühbirnen und Lasern

  • Impuls2Go Amina Meineker

  • (Selbst-) Führung in eine bessere Zukunft | Amina Meineker

  • Leistung, Power, Innovation - mit Frequenz - Führung erfolgreich sein | Amina Meineker

  • Die MAGISCHEN 13 Hertz im GEHIRN | Amina Meineker - Berliner Wifo 2023

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Amina Meineker is an internationally recognized leadership expert who has been working with top decision-makers and companies on four continents for over 25 years. Her work at the forefront of leadership and transformation brings clarity, a spirit of innovation and tangible solutions to the challenges of a dynamic, complex world. As co-founder of the QantexX® Academy for Frequency Leadership, she has developed the 13 Hertz Formula, which enables people to control their brain frequencies and unleash the full spectrum of their potential - be it for resilience, creativity or peak performance. With the 13 Hertz-Success-Frequency, Amina Meineker makes the seemingly impossible possible: clarity, focus and ease in a world full of stress. Let her keynotes and training sessions inspire and excite you about brain frequencies, how to control them and a completely new way of being. Amina Meineker does not promise miracles, she only makes them possible.


Mental power for (self-)leadership: You can be more

  • Brain frequencies and their direct influence on stress, top performance and creativity
  • Using neuroscientific insights to improve leadership, teams and results
  • Be more: how to recognize, apply and access new performance levels 

Developing human intelligence: New thinking for a new era

  • Artificial intelligence - crisis or opportunity? Clarity, calm and an overview in uncertain times
  • Future-proof through willingness to change: How human thinking below 13 Hertz makes change possible in the first place
  • Unleashing the power of innovation: How human intelligence generates new ideas

Power up your brain! Stress down - performance up

  • Understanding the performance killer stress: Get out of stress, overload and burnout
  • Discover new skills: Access to focus, top performance and innovation at the touch of a button
  • Tapping into the true source of performance and success with flow & ease

References & Press

Winner of the SPEAKERSLAM Stuttgart 2021 Customer Award: 
Frequency Leadership: The master key to success


What her customers say: "Phenomenal. Amazing results. Professional. A stroke of luck for every company. 100% recommended. Unmeasurable, working with Amina's methods has brought so much to my company."

Various voices on Amina live:

“Amina Meineker is pure power! Profoundness paired with humor - a delightful combination!”

“Very strong performance and a perspective on leadership that is truly new in the training and education landscape. It creates new impulses that inspire new thinking and new approaches.”

“Amina Meineker's keynote on leadership and change was simply brilliant and colossal. I can only recommend her!”

“On Leadership, as in dealing with oneself and dealing with other people, Amina Meineker gives an important and new perspective with the concept of frequency leadership. Very helpful and conveyed in a very understandable way.”

“Amina Meineker inspired and enthused our managers and took them on the path to Leadership 4.0 in her straight-forward way! The feedback from the audience after the event was outstanding. Absolutely recommended! That was Champions League!”

“Great suspense, top topic. A clear recommendation!”

“Amina is motivating, captivating and entertaining.”

“Captivating - Focused - Fantastic.”


Ich bin dann mal Authentisch

Was, wenn alles möglich wäre

Speakers Excellence Podcast

Der Unterschied bei guten Führungskräften liegt im Gehirn


Expert Marketplace - Amina Meineker - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Amina Meineker - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Amina Meineker - Impressions 2

Presentation types

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Workshop

Required equipment

Apple notebook
Apple notebook