Dirk Müller is a financial expert, bestselling author, founder of the financial information service provider Finanzethos GmbH with the brand “cashkurs.com” and is regarded as an “interpreter between the financial markets and people outside the stock market”. He was at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for over 25 years and is one of Germany's best-known financial experts, which is where his nickname “Mr. DAX”, given to him by the media, comes from. He advises companies and politicians on national and international economic matters. Dirk Müller recommends investments in various tangible assets and supports the equity culture with his own Dirk Müller Premium Equity Fund for wealth accumulation. It is important to him to give his listeners an impulse for a self-determined, satisfied and happy life with his lectures.
Industry, Economy & Finance
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Dirk Müller is a financial expert, bestselling author, founder of the financial information service provider Finanzethos GmbH with the brand “cashkurs.com” and is regarded as an “interpreter between the financial markets and people outside the stock market”. He was at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for over 25 years and is one of Germany's best-known financial experts, which is where his nickname “Mr. DAX”, given to him by the media, comes from. He advises companies and politicians on national and international economic matters. Dirk Müller recommends investments in various tangible assets and supports the equity culture with his own Dirk Müller Premium Equity Fund for wealth accumulation. It is important to him to give his listeners an impulse for a self-determined, satisfied and happy life with his lectures.
Infotainment with business expert Dirk Müller - the entertaining and amusing presentations deal with exciting topics and developments in business, finance, the stock market, politics and society, which are specially tailored to the audience. Dirk Müller's ability to summarize complex issues to the essentials with playful ease and explain them in a way that is understandable to the general public is what distinguishes his unique presentations.
“The Dirk Müller formula” - how to invest properly!
Let go of the bull - from saver to shareholder
Safely through exciting times with a successful strategy
The trends of the future - How to find the right shares
Power quake - Economy in the field of tension of geostrategy
Current geopolitics and its consequences for the stock market
How happy is money? - What life is really about
With the Stoics to success and happiness in life
A wide range of topics, including current affairs, on request
TV and radio (excerpt):
ARD, ARTE, BR, HR, MDR, N24, NDR, n-tv, Phoenix, ProSieben, RBB, RTL, Sat. 1, SR, SWR, WDR, VOX, ZDF, ORF II, ORF III
Publishers and newspapers (excerpt):
Handelsblatt, FAZ, Welt, Süddeutsche, Zeit, Fokus, Spiegel, Stern, Frankfurter Allgemeine and many more.
Industry and institutions (excerpt):
Internationaler Wirtschaftssenat e. V. (IWS), Wirtschaftsforum Alpach, Goethe University Frankfurt, Senat der Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsuniversität Graz, various Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken, various savings banks, Commerzbank, HYPO Noe Group, Banque LBLux S.A., pro aurum, Emporium Hamburg, Fonds Finanz Maklerservice GmbH, FÜR SIE Handelsgenossenschaft eG, XING AG, Alpensymposium, Fidelity, Cortal Consors, bbg Betriebsberatungs GmbH, SWEET Global Network, European Business School, Frankfurt School of Finance, Hermes, Schweizerische Post, Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart, OXFAM, ORACLE, LIESER Rechtsanwälte, M. I.G. Belgium, bwgv-Akademie, Bank für Kirche und Caritas eG, FNT GmbH, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Süddeutscher Verlag Veranstaltungen GmbH, WISTA AG, LAUER-FISCHER GmbH, Daimler AG, Ring Deutscher Makler (RDM), various IHK associations, ITG Immobilien-Treuhand-GmbH & Co, L'Oréal, Burda-Direct, Hapag Lloyd, K+P Consulting GmbH, Ellwanger und Geiger, DHBW, European Economic Senate, European Finance Forum, Scoup Group, Triton, KPMG, DGB, various Bundestag hearings on food speculation, high-frequency trading, financial transaction tax
ISBN : 978-3426784624
10.99 €
ISBN : 978-3453605213
11.99 €
Financial expert Dirk Müller discusses market valuations, risks, and opportunities. He highlights concerns about overvaluation, geopolitical uncertainties, and potential triggers for market collapses. Müller advises caution with certain sectors like overvalued companies and banks. He emphasizes the need for strategic investment decisions amidst global economic uncertainties.
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Dirk Müller alias "Mr. Dax" - Interview here
Factual presentation
Business talk