Dominik Reinhardt acts on stage or in virtual summits as a mindset transformer and initiator for innovative business models, drives challenges and change processes and proactively accompanies the process to the set goal. Hardly any listener can escape his expertise and motivation in his live shows. His 20 years of top-class sport and various championships in soccer as a coach have inspired and paved the way for his motivational transport and innovation, methodology & structure in the business sector, where he has been booked for corporates, start-ups and SMEs for years. Dominik Reinhardt is trained in IT transformation, mimic resonance and business model transformation at the University of St. Gallen, as well as an NLP mindset coach. New business models and the 3Ms of implementation characterize his profile: Courage, Mindset & Methodology! This is his motto. In seminars on sales, communication, leadership and team building, he provides the mindset booster for companies such as Deutsche Telekom, McMakler and German SMEs. He is also an expert in blended learning concepts and digitalization. As a talent developer, Dominik Reinhardt creates next-level impulses for you and your team. With Train4Success, he has created a training brand that stands for innovation and success. This is also a USP, as inspiring keynotes can be combined with a 360-degree training project.
Personality, Success & Motivation
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Dominik Reinhardt acts on stage or in virtual summits as a mindset transformer and initiator for innovative business models, drives challenges and change processes and proactively accompanies the process to the set goal. Hardly any listener can escape his expertise and motivation in his live shows. His 20 years of top-class sport and various championships in soccer as a coach have inspired and paved the way for his motivational transport and innovation, methodology & structure in the business sector, where he has been booked for corporates, start-ups and SMEs for years. Dominik Reinhardt is trained in IT transformation, mimic resonance and business model transformation at the University of St. Gallen, as well as an NLP mindset coach. New business models and the 3Ms of implementation characterize his profile: Courage, Mindset & Methodology! This is his motto. In seminars on sales, communication, leadership and team building, he provides the mindset booster for companies such as Deutsche Telekom, McMakler and German SMEs. He is also an expert in blended learning concepts and digitalization. As a talent developer, Dominik Reinhardt creates next-level impulses for you and your team. With Train4Success, he has created a training brand that stands for innovation and success. This is also a USP, as inspiring keynotes can be combined with a 360-degree training project.
Business Model Mindset:
Successful leadership starts in the mind:
Sales Mindset Booster:
Customers who have already been impressed by Dominik Reinhardt:
Deutsche Telekom, Energie BKK, Herweck AG, Vodafone, Kabel Deutschland, Apple, McMakler, DFB, Komsa, Pitney Bowes, Also, I-Surance, Bund Deutscher Fußballlehrer, KickID, Bintec Elmeg, BEUcom, Mobilpunkt, L'Oréal, Entrepreneur University, Mobilezone, Doctolib, Enpal, McMakler, Rewe and many more.
"Energy on the stage-Wow." The
"New impulses, new business models, simply explained!" Intranet Telekom
"Motivation & mindset, which is noticeable." Telecom trade
Customer testimonials:
"This training with Dominik was one of my best trainings when I look back. He goes very deeply into the topics, and with small adjustments in the business case you can work wonders and implement them with the methodology. A huge thank you to you for what I have experienced so far."
Patrick Pagarache, Deutsche Telekom SME, Account Manager
"We benefit from his know-how in the digital training sector and appreciate him for his professionalism in dealing with demand-oriented, very individual training concepts. With his friendly and open-minded manner, he always manages to inspire our employees."
Sarah Lobenstein, Head of Training and Development, McMakler
"Two great days are coming to an end! A very motivating, exciting seminar that showed me new ways forward and from which I really took something away! Concrete tips and reflections, plus a personal checklist. Really great and definitely a clear recommendation!"
Sarah Betz, German Research Foundation
The Why!
The Why - Motivation by Dominik Reinhardt
Matchday-Mindset - Warum Deine innere Haltung über maximalen Erfolg entscheidet mit Dominik Reinhardt
Business Model Transformation & Navigation wird in Zukunft kein Prozess mehr sein, sondern ein Mindset für permanente Innovation. Ausgebildet in St.Gallen bringt Dominik Reinhardt genau diese Ansätze in seine aktuellen Vorträge und Summits.
Weiterhin treibt viele Corporates die Frage an, wie sich cleveres, digitales Community Management betreiben lässt. Wie lassen sich Kunden zu Fans machen? Was treibt sie an zu interagieren und wie entsteht Wert im digitalen Ansatz? Zu diesen Themen ist Dominik Reinhardt gerade in Workshops unterwegs.
Hier gelangen Sie zum Online-Kurs: Der POS Cross-Selling Booster
Factual presentation
Impulses and motivation
Practical relevance