Prof. Dr. Elmar Wienecke studied and completed his doctorate at the German Sport University Cologne. He holds a Bundesliga soccer coaching license and was also briefly a coach in the 2nd Bundesliga. As the founder and owner of SALUTO, the competence center for health and fitness, he is based in Halle/Westphalia. He has made his own concern his own concern: maintaining energy reserves and preventing injuries. Today he looks after and advises top athletes (including Olympic, world and European champions), managers and non-athletes. His micronutrient concept also benefits students on his part-time Master's degree course in Micronutrient Therapy & Regulatory Medicine at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. With his motivating and convincing manner, he inspires the audience and conveys what he lives with passion.
Medicine, Health & Fitness
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Prof. Dr. Elmar Wienecke studied and completed his doctorate at the German Sport University Cologne. He holds a Bundesliga soccer coaching license and was also briefly a coach in the 2nd Bundesliga. As the founder and owner of SALUTO, the competence center for health and fitness, he is based in Halle/Westphalia. He has made his own concern his own concern: maintaining energy reserves and preventing injuries. Today he looks after and advises top athletes (including Olympic, world and European champions), managers and non-athletes. His micronutrient concept also benefits students on his part-time Master's degree course in Micronutrient Therapy & Regulatory Medicine at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. With his motivating and convincing manner, he inspires the audience and conveys what he lives with passion.
Everyone wants well-being, performance and a good quality of life. It's not just the digital world that has daily challenges have changed. Everyone wants to do as much as possible and suddenly realizes: the battery is empty! It's a gradual process that starts with an unbalanced diet, a lack of nutrients, little exercise and poor quality sleep and often ends with medication.
Prof. Dr. Elmar Wienecke reports from his daily practice and gives many examples and tips to help you regain your quality of life and performance.
“... when Prof. Dr. Elmar Wienecke took to the stage, the company managers and executives who came to the 'World Market Leaders' Day' became noticeably animated. The sports scientist addressed the audience directly in his passionate lecture. Constant availability, too few recovery phases, poor nutrition and poor sleeping habits all form a vicious circle.”
Extract from the press, Westfalen Blatt
“... 'Optimal Training with Top Energy' inspired the coaches of the Italian Football Association and international guests such as Brazil's world champion coach Carlos Alberto Parreira in Como (Italy).”
AEFCA Alliance of European Football Coaches Associations
Impulses and motivation
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