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Erik Händeler

Now prosperity depends on the people behind digital technology.



Digitalization, Innovation & Future


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Erik Händeler
Speaker Erik Händeler
  • Die Geschichte der Zukunft - Erik Händeler

  • Wie verändert sich die Arbeit in der Digitalisierung? | Erik Händeler

  • Ist KI wirklich so intelligent wie angenommen | Erik Händeler

  • Arbeit wandelt sich | Erik Händeler

  • Future-Talk mit Andrea Grudda & Erik Händeler

  • Erik Händeler Holo Vortrag

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Erik Händeler makes the current situation understandable and thus takes away fear of the future; he awakens the energy to develop the next structural cycle and to invest in cooperation, health and people. Erik Händeler, business journalist, futurologist and bestselling author, started his career at a daily newspaper. He studied economic policy and economics at the LMU Munich. Since 1993, he has been researching the theory of long economic cycles (Kondratieff cycles). He became a bestselling author with his books “Die Geschichte der Zukunft” (11th edition) and “Kondratieffs Gedankenwelt - Die Chancen im Wandel zur Wissensgesellschaft” (8th edition). His new “History book for optimists - Why most things were worse in the past and will be better in the future” is currently in the works. The Russian Academy of Sciences honored him in 2010 for his economic achievements. With his expert know-how and polarizing theses, he leaves none of his listeners cold and is one of the most sought-after speakers in the field of productivity in the information society.


Future realism - 
Why the world has always been better

  • What is bad today was even worse in the past: 
    Violence, human trafficking, poverty & exploitation ... 
  • Why we build in the future on what our ancestors painstakingly suffered, experienced and fought for.
  • Knowledge work requires collaboration - that makes society more cooperative and better
  • The new better: health, education, personal development, freedom, equality; the world is growing together

The story of the future - 
Social behavior today and the prosperity of tomorrow

  • Digitization: Why the people behind the technology matter now
  • The future begins in the past - What we can learn from history for the future
  • The future decisive location factor in the global economy - Europe's opportunity

Future Management - 
The new rules of the game in the economy of the knowledge society

  • How you identify and develop the factors for the next level of prosperity
  • How you mobilize the competencies of all with new forms of hierarchy
  • How to secure future business success with a new culture of collaboration

Health is becoming a growth engine:

  • How health innovations and health-maintaining structures become engines of growth
  • How mental health determines prosperity in the knowledge society

More topics:

AI & digital transformation - People make the difference

References & Press

Airbus Hamburg, Bäko, Banken und Sparkassen, Barmer Ersatzkasse, Bayerische Versicherungskammer, Einzelhandelsverbände, CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Programmparteitag der Hessischen Grünen, Geberit, Lions Clubs, Markant, SAP, Schwarz-Pharma AG, Siemens, Thyssenkrupp, VDI-Jahrestagung Chemieingenieure, Verband der Krankenhausdirektoren Deutschlands, ZF Friedrichshafen und Führungskräfte


Media contributions:
ZDF, n-tv, Bloomberg TV, Deutschland Radio, BR, WDR, RBB, HR

"The book exudes an unwavering optimism." 

Rheinischer Merkur

"It would be very desirable if Handel's illuminating book were widely read."
Dagmar Deckstein, Süddeutsche Zeitung

"Handeler's book is a course book for discovering the quality of interpersonal relationships as the most important source of value creation."
Norbert Copray, Publik Forum

"In evaluating the feedback forms, you received an average score of 1.26, making you our top performer! Congratulations on a very successful performance."
SAP-Personalkongress mit 1.500 Teilnehmern  

  • Rated 1.4 at each of Bitkom's three Knowtech congresses in 2009, 2010 and 2011
  • Best rated lecture of the SchmidtColleg days
  • Standing ovation at the 13th Stuttgart Knowledge Forum



Die Geschichte der Zukunft. Sozialverhalten heute und der Wohlstand von morgen

ISBN : 3870679638

19.94 €


Kondratieffs Gedankenwelt - Die Chancen im Wandel zur Wissensgesellschaft

ISBN : 9783943172065

9.95 €


Die Geschichte der Zukunft

ISBN : 978-3870679637

19.95 €



Erik Händeler on the crisis
Wenn der Zyklus die Krise erklärt
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 17. September 2013

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Practical relevance

  • Impulses and motivation

Required equipment

Windows notebook
Windows notebook