Felix Zimmermann

Sustainability as a corporate strategy



Strategy, Organization & Corporate Development


de de
Felix Zimmermann


Felix Zimmermann spent more than 20 years as CFO and CEO in listed companies in the SDAX and MDAX, the majority of which were family-owned. Most recently, he was CEO of TAKKT AG in Stuttgart for 12 years. Since 2021, Zimmermann has been an independent consultant to family-owned companies as founder of VOIKOS GmbH, focusing on strategy and management concepts on sustainability and ESG. In 2023, he wrote the book "ESG-Made in Germany: Sustainability as a Corporate Strategy for Family Businesses" as a practical guide. At the University of Freiburg, he shares his knowledge on topics such as "sustainable corporate governance" as part of a teaching assignment. He is also active as an advisory and foundation board member. "I am convinced that family businesses are predestined to benefit from the sustainable transformation of the economy in the long term."


Sustainability as a corporate strategy: seizing opportunities now

  • The framework conditions for economic activity are changing irreversibly
  • Seize the opportunities of the necessary transformation of the economy now
  • Reduce complexity and focus on the essentials
  • Success through a structured process!

Corporate management and sustainability: These are the success factors!

  • These are the changed conditions for corporate leadership
  • The degree of need for change depends on ambition!
  • On the responsibility of management and owners
  • These are the critical success factors - a field report

ESG-Made in Germany: Best Practice in Family Businesses

  • ESG: The risk/opportunity landscape for companies is changing massively
  • Why family businesses are predestined to benefit from the changes
  • How businesses can benefit from the trend toward greater sustainability
  • Implementation guide and concrete practical examples

Further topics:

  • Germany as a location advantage: We can do sustainability!
  • How the advisory board can and must drive the issue of sustainability!

References & Press

ESG-Made in Germany: Nachhaltigkeit als Unternehmensstrategie für Familienunternehmen, mit Praxisberichten von Endress+Hauser, hansgrohe, MANN+HUMMEL, PWO, Schmalz, SchwörerHaus, Sick, Stihl, Trumpf, Witzenmann, Herder Verlag, Freiburg, 11/23

Wie Unternehmen ESG mit der richtigen Strategie jetzt als Chance nutzen können! Schriftenreihe des Kirsten Baus Instituts für Familienstrategie, 12/22
„Nichts tun ist keine Option: ESG muss Chefsache sein!“, in: Die News, 7/22
ESG als Herausforderung für die Aufsichts- und Beiratsarbeit: Warum und wie der Aufsichts- bzw. Beirat ESG jetzt in seine Arbeit integrieren muss, in: Der Aufsichtsrat, 5/22
ESG braucht Kompetenz und Mandat in der Unternehmensführung Marktwirtschaftlicher Umbau der Wirtschaft kann nur gelingen, wenn die Unternehmen jetzt handeln, in: F.A.Z., 29.12.21



ESG - Made in Germany

ISBN : 978-3-451-39647-2


Presentation types

  • Business talk

  • Interview

  • Factual presentation

  • Online lecture

  • Specialized lecture

  • Practical relevance

  • Impulses and motivation

Required equipment
