Gabriel Calzada Alvarez, founder and President of the libertarian think tank Instituto Juan de Mariana and Ph.D. in Economics, has been requested repeatedly by Congress and the U.S. Senate to present the results of its research on issues related to energy and the environment.In 2007, for example, Gabriel received an invitation to appear at the Senate and the U.S. Congress on the possibility of creating employment through subsidies to renewable energy industry. Back in September 2008, he presented a first report pointing, from an economic perspective, that it was quite likely that they were destroying more jobs than creating them. The final report, made by King Juan Carlos University in collaboration with the Instituto Juan de Mariana, was widely reported in international media.Throughout his career he has published scholarly articles in The Journal of Libertarian Studies, Procesos de Mercados, Asuntos Economicos, and La Ilustracion Liberal, among others. He has also published over 300 articles in Spanish specialized media such as Expansion, El Mundo, Libertad Digital, La Razon, La Gaceta, Opoca and Washington Times and appears frequently on television and radio programs around the world.