Dr. Helmut Brandstätter, Member of the European Parliament in the Foreign Affairs Committee, 1st Vice-President of the Ukraine Delegation, former Member of the Austrian National Council, bestselling author, is a sought-after expert when it comes to Europe and the Balkans. A journalist and media entrepreneur for many years, he has been studying the impact of communication for decades. Helmut Brandstätter impressively describes the challenges faced by politicians and companies in dealing with modern media. The direct access of the population to social media in particular has increased populist temptations. He himself has lived in various European countries and, as Managing Director of n-tv between 1997 and 2003, witnessed the developments following German reunification. In his lectures, he inspires his audience with a wealth of experience from European media and politics. Dr. Helmut Brandstätter is passionate about living together in Europe and knows how to convey this through history and stories. He is a welcome guest in discussions, expert talks, conferences and the media.
Politics, Demographics & Globalization
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Dr. Helmut Brandstätter, Member of the European Parliament in the Foreign Affairs Committee, 1st Vice-President of the Ukraine Delegation, former Member of the Austrian National Council, bestselling author, is a sought-after expert when it comes to Europe and the Balkans. A journalist and media entrepreneur for many years, he has been studying the impact of communication for decades. Helmut Brandstätter impressively describes the challenges faced by politicians and companies in dealing with modern media. The direct access of the population to social media in particular has increased populist temptations. He himself has lived in various European countries and, as Managing Director of n-tv between 1997 and 2003, witnessed the developments following German reunification. In his lectures, he inspires his audience with a wealth of experience from European media and politics. Dr. Helmut Brandstätter is passionate about living together in Europe and knows how to convey this through history and stories. He is a welcome guest in discussions, expert talks, conferences and the media.
Last wake-up call for Europe -
From the happiest generation that has ever lived here
Focus on the Balkans - learning from history
Listen. To. Me. - Three steps into the millennium of communication
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