Ilka Groenewold

Menschen emotional verbinden.



Moderation, Show & Entertainment


de de
Ilka Groenewold
Entertainer Ilka Groenewold
  • Moderatorin für Event, Gala, Award, Messe, Kongress, Podium, Hybrid-Event, TV - Ilka Groenewold 2025

  • Hamburger Moderatorin Ilka Groenewold als Reporter für WELT zum Thema "Flüchtlingsunterkunft Upahl"

  • WELT Moderatorin/Reporterin - Ilka Groenewold LIVE aus Cuxhaven und Bremen - Frachter-Unglück

  • KI-Moderatorin (Künstliche Intelligenz Moderation/AI) Ilka Groenewold bei IPAI Vorstellung in Berlin

  • englischsprachige Moderatorin/bilinguale Moderation - Event, Digital-Event, TV - Ilka Groenewold

  • ahgz Deutscher Hotelkongress Moderatorin Ilka Groenewold im Europa Park - Kongressmoderatorin

  • Politik Moderatorin/Wirtschaftsmoderatorin Ilka Groenewold für die CDU - Berlin Moderatorin

  • Moderatorin Ilka Groenewold und Norbert Heisterkamp im Mercedes Benz / Daimler Werbespot

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Ilka Groenewold is your choice for your event - whether it's a trade fair, congress, panel discussion, awards ceremony, summit, event or TV production. The Hamburg native is one of Germany's most sought-after event presenters and can look back on over 1,800 live moderations. In addition to her work on stage, Ilka Groenewold works for the Hamburg TV station and coaches both companies and individuals in the areas of rhetoric and stage presence. She began her career in 2001 at VIVA, where the station hired her to host a programme. With her charming, empathetic and at the same time sporty manner, she manages to captivate the audience. It is therefore not surprising that major DAX companies such as Mercedes Benz have been successfully organising events worldwide with Ilka Groenewold since 2012. See for yourself - book Ilka Groenewold for your event. In German, English or in the best Frisian dialect. And optionally with singing! Your event is guaranteed to be a success!


"The art of presenting is to keep the common thread of an event in your hand so that individual sections of a show become a well-rounded whole," says the presenter. "And of course: capturing the audience's attention!" Presenter Ilka Groenewold achieves this with a unique blend of charm, humour, eloquence, likeability, seriousness, freshness, authenticity and professionalism, which simply goes down extremely well with both young and old. Ilka's strengths include familiarising herself with a wide range of topics.


Rhetoric coaching
"Developing leadership quality means working on your own personality, because all strength lies within, not without." (Jean Paul)

  • Find your personal strengths together with her. 
  • Learn how to prepare effectively for conversations, enjoy your "performance" and make the microphone your best friend. 
  • Master stressful situations successfully and develop understanding and acceptance as a discussion partner.


Run Coaching: Movement instead of burnout! 
on request

References & Press

References (selection):

AIDA, Allianz, AOK, Audi, Axel Springer, Beiersdorf, Berner, BGHW, BHS, BMW, BOSCH, Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur, Bundeswehr, cewe, Coca-Cola, Dethleffs, DB, Telekom, DKB, DLV, e-plus, ecco, ECE, e-on, Euronics, FDP, HHLA, Honeywell, HypoVereinsbank, IBM, Kärcher, Kravag, Langnese, Renewable Energy Hamburg, Marco Tozzi, Mercedes Benz, milupa, OTTO, Panasonic, PHILIPS, Porsche, Rügenwalder Mühle, sheego, SIEMENS, Toyota, Triumph, Verkehrs-Rundschau, VW, VOLVO, Vorwerk, XING


TV moderations (excerpt):

ALIUD Pharma,, Bombardier, Channel21, CineStar, Kampmann, Konica Minolta, TUI, NDR, nog4, Sat. 1, SONY, Tchibo, Tventy, VIVA, Yamaha


Customer feedback (extract):

"Once again a big thank you, it really was a great presentation at the opening of the Technology Centre for Vehicle Safety in Sindelfingen. The guests from business and politics and of course our board members Dr Dieter Zetsche and Prof Thomas Weber were also very impressed by the professional and very cordial presentation." CORPORATE PROTOCOL & EVENTS, DAIMLER AG


"Her voice sounded fascinating from the very first call. And indeed, the lady perfectly complemented our congress with a mixture of charm, Hanseatic humour and perfect preparation. There's no question that we immediately booked this tough bundle of energy again for 2018. Thank you very much for your professional work. We look forward to working with her again." MARKETING MANAGER, STARFACE GMBH


"Ilka Groenewold impressed us with her charming manner, but also with her technical expertise on our motto 'digitalisation'. She skilfully accompanied the high-calibre discussion forum with participants from business, politics and sport."
Global Transaction Banking Germany, Unicredit Bank AG


"Thanks to her professional and uncomplicated manner, we quickly got together as a team of moderators and just threw the balls at each other. With her winning demeanour, her wit and her charm, presenter Ilka Groenewold from Hamburg was a first-class addition to our event." Dirk Windmüller, Deputy Chairman of the Works Council, VOLKSWAGEN SALZGITTER



Erfolgskompass: Deine Reise zum Erfolg

ISBN : 979-8807103857

8.90 €


Empowerment - Wegweiser in ein erfülltes Leben

ISBN : 13 979-8665564791


UNIKAT - Ilka Groenewold (Song)

ISBN : 979-8838124586

1.29 €


Wir leben hoch

ISBN : 979-8665564791

1.29 €


Baila me - Ilka Groenewold

ISBN : 201-202020222000

1.29 €




Mentale Hacks für mehr Leichtigkeit


#3 - Die GEN Z stellt die Arbeitswelt auf den Kopf - Susanne Nickel


Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 3
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 4
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 5
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 6
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 7
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 8
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 9
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 10
Expert Marketplace - Ilka Groenewold - Impressions 11

Presentation types

  • Infotainment

  • Show-Act

  • Business talk

  • Interview

  • Hosting

  • Workshop

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Specialized lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment
