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Karin Seven

The stage is everywhere!



Personality, Success & Motivation


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Karin Seven
Trainer Karin Seven
  • Hinterlasse eine starke Wirkung

  • Bühne ist überall

  • lebendige & authentische Auftritte

  • wie spreche ich mit meinem Körper?

  • Karin Seven "Eine Pause für Ihren starken Auftritt" (Hamburg 1: Speakers Night)

  • Afterworkseminar: Mit Vitalität und Freude durch den Alltag

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Karin Seven is an actress, speaker, coach, trainer and author. In her talks and seminars, she combines the art of acting with the art of living. She is an expert in performance and personality, with her bestselling books "PowerAct - Ihr starker Auftritt" and "Auftrittskompetenz", in English "PowerAct - Your strong performance" and "Performance competence". On a deeper level, her coaching and talks focus on the major topics of self-awareness, mindfulness and creativity. PowerAct is business acting, because every performance is the result and expression of the life we live, our self-relationship and passion. Abundance and serenity arise when we are completely at home with ourselves. PowerAct and Charisma from the Essence show how it is possible to appear with presence, effectiveness and a glow by polishing the personal jewel. With uniqueness and authenticity. Every person is a director and actor in the game of life: the motto is "Live your creative power." With PowerAct, she brings people into enthusiasm and action. She has been performing on German and American stages for 40 years. Since 1996 she has been working for executives in large corporations and medium-sized companies as well as for creative professionals and the self-employed.


PowerAct - your booster for visibility and presence in business

  • Making an impact on the stages of life is not the result of phrases, poses and techniques, but of professional, unique and enjoyable self-expression. 
  • A powerful impact is created when you feel comfortable on the stage of life, when you move with passion and an open heart on all your "stages".
  • In all presentations, it is important to perform with passion and power. You are the star, not PowerPoint. Therefore, always follow the motto PowerPerson instead of PowerPoint.
  • Always remember: You play the leading role! You can make an impression and bring about change. You in your uniqueness together with your topics.

Charisma wins

  • Charisma leads! Charisma wins! Charisma is not only a desirable topic for stars and executives. 
  • The path to your light and your abundance is an adventure journey to yourself, on which you can leave your comfort zone, give up fighting and having to do things, and find yourself in fulfillment, serenity and self-realization.
  • Start today, the path there is exciting and full of insights with which you will not only learn to lead yourself better, but also others. 
  • In my seminars and talks, I give you a good starting point for your journey, with 
    7 steps to "Charisma from the essence"



  • Are you playing a role on the stages of your everyday life and profession? 
  • If you bend yourself because you want to please others, you lose your authenticity in public speaking situations. 
  • Those who face their insecurities don't need masks. 
  • So take off your mask and stop the theater! To be or not to be, to be or to appear, you will learn how to ignite your true light and live your potential in order to be and appear powerful and authentic in all your roles.


COMEBACK! Mindful steps into your life force

  • Mindfulness is not a buzzword, but a key to healthy living and successful interaction. 
  • Burn-on instead of burn-out: you will learn why stress and excessive self-optimization are counterproductive. 
  • Do you know the "happy-when" syndrome? I explain how you can find gratitude and abundance with the "happy now".
  • Are you still afraid of losing control, afraid of feeling yourself? Afraid of feeling naked or empty without your activism?
  • Live your "private moment" - take a break! With the courage to take a break, you will discover your true self. It is in the silence and in the break that we really become VISIBLE. Refueled, inspired and much more relaxed, as if renewed, we experience this small transformation.

References & Press

I have been responsible for national and international training at Eurogroup for many years and I am always delighted when we manage to engage exceptional trainers. And Karin Seven is such an exceptional trainer. Her combination of in-depth specialist knowledge, vast experience and absolute passion quickly won over even the most critical participants. Many of our participants have to overcome a hurdle to get involved in what and how Karin trains - but it's worth having the courage to do so. She knows how to respond to the individual requirements of the participants with an inexhaustible repertoire of exercises and concrete practical examples. Every participant benefits from the training, both professionally and privately.
Sonja Krönung, EurogroupConsulting


For me, it is very important that I present my competence, composure and commitment to the task at hand with appropriate professionalism while remaining authentic. I want to be able to express what I am capable of, especially when I only have a few minutes to do so. Karin's varied exercises supported this perfectly and it was also a lot of fun. I would gladly do the training again at any time. 
C.Thor-McCarthy, Bayer


In the broad field of coaching, "Power-Act - the strong performance" is a jewel. A jewel because Karin Seven, as an actress and director, plays with the methods and techniques like a virtuoso. A jewel because she polishes the shiny side of every participant. At the end of the two days, the participants have much more in their hands than just a certificate. They carry the knowledge of their talents with them. They look forward to the next performance and the one after that. And this is precisely where the appeal of her seminar lies.
Gabriele Borgmann, author



PowerAct - Ihr starker Auftritt: Sich selbstbewusst und ausdrucksstark präsentieren (Haufe Fachbuch, 01370)

ISBN : 3648066749

24.95 €


Auftrittskompetenz: Wie Sie (sich) öffentlich erfolgreich präsentieren (essentials)

ISBN : 3658326751

14.99 €



Expert Marketplace - Karin Seven - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Karin Seven - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Karin Seven - Impressions 2



Reatreat for body, mind and soul: Holistic relaxation retreat. Sources of strength Rhodes 05.-11.10. 2023 in Greece

CreActivity, workshop for creativity and potential development, Rhodes 13-18.10. 2023 in Greece



Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Infotainment

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment
