Karl-Heinz Land

Digital starts with people - and changing their mindset



Digitalization, Innovation & Future


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Karl-Heinz Land
Speaker Karl-Heinz Land
  • Wie die Digitalisierung die Dematerialisierung vorantreibt | Karl-Heinz Land

  • 3 Trends der Digitalisierung | Karl-Heinz Land

  • Wir brauchen einen Perspektivwechsel | Karl-Heinz Land

  • Was bedeutet exponentielles Wachstum wirklich? | Karl-Heinz Land

  • Hektar Mais & Soja für 65.000.000 Schweine | Karl-Heinz Land

  • Stillstand als Beschleuniger | Karl-Heinz Land

  • Karl-Heinz Land, neuland – „Digital Darwinist & Evangelist“

  • #NextAct2020 Karl-Heinz Land hoffnungsvoll über Erde 5.0 - vom Mahner zum Gestalter des Digitalen

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Karl-Heinz Land is an insider of digital transformation. He has been experiencing and shaping his heart's subject - technological progress and digitization - for over 35 years, including in management positions at internationally operating companies such as Oracle, BusinessObjects (SAP) and Microstrategy. He is a best-selling author and co-author of four groundbreaking management books. In 2015, he launched neuland GmbH, a digital and strategy consultancy that has repeatedly been ranked among the best in Germany by "brand eins" magazine. As a serial entrepreneur and investor, he focuses on innovative technologies such as blockchain and the Internet of Things. The World Economic Forum (WEF) and "Time Magazine" honored Land with the "Technology Pioneer Award" back in 2006. The visionary Karl-Heinz Land, who sees himself as a 'digital evangelist', inspires and excites year after year with keynotes and workshops and shapes the digital agenda. Karl-Heinz Land encourages people to actively shape the digital transformation.


Artificial Intelligence and the Realignment of the World:

  • Through its ability to analyze large amounts of data and recognize complex patterns, AI is helping to transform business, society and technology.
  • AI enables the automation of tasks that were previously performed by humans. By using AI systems, companies can increase productivity by handling repetitive tasks more efficiently.
  • Advances in medicine, smart cities and climate change mitigation, etc. become much easier to implement through the use of AI.

Earth 5.0 - Provoking the future

  • Why technological progress and digitization mean we don't need a second planet.
  • How we can sustainably halt climate change, end poverty and hunger, and ensure education for all
  • Why we need to rethink our society in social, political and ethical terms

Digital Darwinism - The silent attack on your business model and brand

  • Digital transformation punishes those who arrive too late
  • How companies can get ahead of the silent threat to their business model and their brand.
  • Adapt or die - How to successfully use the digital revolution for yourself and your company


More topics:

  • Digitization changes nothing - Only EVERYTHING
  • Industry 4.0 - Valium for the companies
  • Standstill as accelerator: Covid-19 as necessary creative destruction
  • The way to a crisis resistant organization
  • Agility and the organization's handling of complexity & speed
  • Blockchain - How a technology revolutionizes the world

References & Press

neuland GmbH & Co. KG 
Founding year: 2013
Industry: Digital and strategy consulting

  • 8 published books
  • 10 company participations
  • 30 years of technology, marketing and sales experience
  • 50 start-ups founded, accompanied and/or internationalized
  • 300 technology projects
  • 1,000 lectures, workshops and keynotes, e.g. at dell, Telekom, DZ Bank, Vattenfall, Daimler and many more.

"Digital expert Karl-Heinz Land does an excellent job of presenting complicated digital issues in a way that is simple, understandable and of great benefit to the listener." Mario Ohoven, President, German Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

"Engaging lecture, motivating, exciting and really worth watching!"  Marika Ellermann, Xerox

"My personal highlight! He captivated the audience in a breathless 'sermon' on our digitized future. His performance was confident, casual, seemed spontaneous and routine." Verena Czerny, Clever Change



Erde 5.0: Die Zukunft provozieren

ISBN : 3981726847

19.80 €


Stillstand als Beschleuniger: Covid-19 als notwendige

ISBN : 398172688X

9.99 €


Digitaler Darwinismus

ISBN : 3658012595

6.41 €



114 - KI vs. Humane Intelligenz. Mit Frank Dopheide

KI und die Zukunft

114 - KI vs. Humane Intelligenz. Mit Frank Dopheide

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment
