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Digital transformation. Global trends in telecom and media
"Different and The Art of Making Money - a users manual to the Ultra Modern Economy"
The world in 5 years from a customer point of view
Urban Express, Ultra Modern Life Styles and The Art of Making Money
Outside In Perspective
Leadership in times of change
Daring to be different in a copy-cat world
Entering Uncharted territories
„Kjell, you are one of the best speakers that the leaders team and delegates have ever seen! Thank you.” Rudolf H. Messinger, Chief, Career Management Section, UNICEF Headquarters
„Our clients and my colleagues were impacted by your performance. We were able to enjoy a very entertaining while at the same time provoking speech outlining a wealth of ideas about the new world.” IIR Middle East – Leaders in Dubai
„On behalf of all the conference participants and the employees of MGG Conferences, I would like to thank you most sincerely for a fantastic seminar. Your independent thoughts, confident summaries and tone of optimism has given real support and inspiration to the participants to go out and look for new, fresh solutions to their business problems.” Dirk Lohmann, CEO, Zurich Re
Technological advancements are driving down production costs, leading to a shift towards a zero-marginal-cost society. Energy self-sufficient buildings utilizing solar power offer new business opportunities and innovative financing models in the evolving economic landscape.
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