Leo Hillinger

3 Worte - Konsequenz, Konsequenz, Konsequenz



Management, Leadership & Change


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Leo Hillinger
Entrepreneur Leo Hillinger
  • Leo Hillinger · image film · German version

  • Leo Hillinger Image Film 2

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Leo Hillinger wurde im Burgenland in eine traditionelle Weinhändlerfamilie geboren. Bereits als Kind entwickelte er ein tiefes Interesse für die Vorgänge im väterlichen Weinhandel. Nach diversen Weinbauschulen absolvierte er zahlreiche Praktika im Ausland, zunächst in der Pfalz, wo er mit den Feinheiten des Weins vertraut wurde. Mit 19 Jahren zog Hillinger mit einem Stipendium der österreichischen Weinmarketinggesellschaft nach Kalifornien, wo er sich weiter mit der Vinifikation von Qualitätsweinen beschäftigte. In dieser Zeit begann auch die Auseinandersetzung mit naturnaher Bewirtschaftung der Rebflächen, die Hillingers Arbeit heute auszeichnet. Immer wieder verließ er traditionelle Wege zugunsten kreativer Innovationen. Das Weingut Leo HILLINGER zählt zu den größten Weinproduzenten im Top Qualitätssegment in Österreich. Hillinger wurde als erster Winzer von der renommierten Unternehmensberatung Ernst & Young zum "Entrepreneur Of The Year" ausgezeichnet. Er ist ein Unternehmer mit Herzblut, der es versteht, die Menschen in seinen Vorträgen mit seinem Know-How zu motivieren.



  • From organic winemaker to entrepreneur of the year
  • From the idea to resounding success
  • Rethinking management
  • Self-marketing - the way to a brand
  • The success story of the Leo HILLINGER winery

The philosophy of Leo Hillinger

  • "When the grape material is top, you don't have to do so much in the cellar. After many years of experience and many experiments, I know: the fruit must be perfect and should be unchanged in the bottle."

Leo Hillinger's methods are characterized by a deep respect for the grape and the peculiarities of terroir and climatic conditions. His wines captivate with velvety richness and softness, reflecting the characteristic conditions of their origin. "I don't want to create confusable international fashionable wines, but very typical Austrian top quality," says Leo Hillinger.

"Making wine is the greatest happiness for me. 
For me, it combines profession and hobby. I can't imagine anything more beautiful."


Quality as a brand

  • One thing sets Leo Hillinger's wines apart from other well-known wine brands: his commitment to continuous first-class quality in all channels. And Leo Hillinger pursues this with great success, as evidenced by many awards in recent years.

References & Press

Year of foundation: 1990
Number of employees: 100

2019 Honored as "Mittelstandshero" by the platform "Lobby der Mitte". The award stands for the great entrepreneurial innovative strength and commitment to start-ups as well as for the creation of fair framework conditions for medium-sized businesses.

2017 Presentation of the "Superbrand Austria Award". The "Superbrand Austria Award" honors innovative and successful brands in Austria. It is an award that is selected by consumers and experts and for which it is not possible to register or apply as a company.

2016 Awarded the title of Kommerzialrat in recognition of services to the Republic of Austria and as a sign of efforts on behalf of the general public.

2013 Awarded the title of "Best Family Business 2013 in Burgenland" by WirtschaftsBlatt and its partners Bankhaus Spängler, BDO Austria and the Chamber of Notaries.

2012 Awarded the "Entrepreneur Of The Year Award" as Entrepreneur of the Year. This dream became reality for Leo Hillinger in 2012. The fact that he received the award from the renowned auditing & consulting company Ernst & Young was and still is a special achievement. Because he was the first winemaker ever to receive this award. Worldwide.


MMM-Club e. V., Meininger Verlag GmbH, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Junge Wirtschaft Österreich, BSI - Mainz, SERVICE&MORE Dienstleistung für Kooperationen und Handel GmbH (over 20 presentations), Austrian Opitc Technologies, Star Alliance, ATP Planungs- und Beteiligungs AG, LEADER Region, Tourismusverband Moststraße, BSH Hausgeräte Gesellschaft mbH, Dorn Lift GmbH, Heilbronn University, Heilbronn University, Holzcluster Steiermark GmbH, Kapsch BusinessCom AG.




Konsequenz, Konsequenz, Konsequenz!

ISBN : 3903183032

24.90 €


Presentation types

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Practical relevance

  • Business talk

  • Interview

Required equipment

Windows notebook
Windows notebook
Speaker's desk
Speaker's desk