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Dr. Marcus Disselkamp

Business models are changing the world - competitiveness through innovation!



Management, Leadership & Change


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Dr. Marcus Disselkamp
Trainer Dr. Marcus Disselkamp
  • Wie ändert das neue NOW die digitalen Geschäftsmodelle | Online-Impuls mit Dr. Marcus Disselkamp

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Dr. Marcus Disselkamp supports his clients' strategy and innovation projects with cutting-edge methods and content. Whether for medium-sized family businesses, international corporations or start-ups, he is a proven expert when it comes to digitalization and new business models - true to his motto "Business models change the world". With his practice-oriented keynote speeches, he illustrates the need for change in times of digital transformation. With his business coaching, he supports the sustainable strategic orientation towards modern competitiveness. Parallel to his more than 20 years in management consulting, he has repeatedly taken on board functions as managing director, advisory board or supervisory board member and is thus on an equal footing at all management and shareholder levels. Dr. Marcus Disselkamp teaches at national and international universities and business schools on strategic management, growth and innovation management and digital transformation, is a specialist author on the subject of "Competitiveness through innovation" and a juror for the SME Grand Prix.


Business models are changing the world - 
Competitiveness through innovation!

  • How to grow in disruptive times with the right strategy.
  • How to conquer new customers and markets.
  • How to manage moderate and radical business model innovations.
  • How to benefit from digital ecosystems or even metaverses.
  • How to become attractive to investors with modern revenue models.

Digital Leaders - 
Earn money with digitalization!

  • How to collect, monetize and use the right data.
  • How to build digital platforms and ecosystems quickly.
  • How to profit immediately from 3D printing / additive manufacturing.
  • How to protect your property and generate ongoing revenue with digital tokens.

Future 2027 - 
The digital menu has only just reached the appetizer!

  • Why we are talking about the rebirth of Germany as a production location.
  • How markets and value chains are changing due to the new power of the "prosumer".
  • How to win the battle for the digital touchpoint to the customer.
  • Why is Web 3.0 defeating data monopolies such as Google & Co.
  • Which employees will be needed in the future.

References & Press

He has already won over several thousand participants in strategy/innovation projects and management training courses with his practical, methodically holistic and dynamic approach. Vision, strategy, innovation and transformation processes are in the best hands with him.


Testimonials from participants:


"Marcus explains the big picture, then goes into precise detail on particularly relevant topics. This really helps you to locate your own topics and gives you plenty of food for thought on where to go from there. A wonderful seminar that has fundamentally changed my understanding of the forces and processes of digital transformation." Thiemo D.


"Rarely have I been offered such an exciting and practice-oriented training measure. Marcus Disselkamp as a trainer cannot be surpassed. He manages to hold the full attention of the participants for the entire 3 days of training and to convey the learning content in such a way that it is easily memorized thanks to his professional expertise and remarkable natural manner. I took away very valuable knowledge, wasn't bored for a second during the training and discovered my great enthusiasm for the topic of digital transformation." Nina K.


"Great seminar that covers the central and relevant topics of our time and conveys them clearly. Theory with strong practical relevance. And an absolute expert as a speaker." Florian P.



Strategie mit KI

ISBN : 979-8874202187

14.98 €


Digital Leaders: 9 Prinzipien, wie Sie mit der Digitalisierung Geld verdienen (mit E-Book inside) (Dein Business)

ISBN : 3967390691

28.00 €


Digital-Transformation-Management: Den digitalen Wandel erfolgreich umsetzen

ISBN : 9783791041513

19.95 €


Wachstumsstrategien für Unternehmen: Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in disruptiven Zeiten sichern (Haufe Fachbuch)

ISBN : 3648148052

39.95 €


Disruptive 3D Printing

ISBN : 978-1569909188



Listen to Management Podcast on Spotify. In dieser Podcastreihe diskutieren Dozenten und Freunde der St. Galler Business School über aktuelle Managementthemen - immer mit dem ganzheitlichen Verständnis des St. Galler Management Models. Moderator ist stets Marcus Disselkamp, unser Leiter des Zentrums für Unternehmertum.

Management Podcast

Listen to Kurz Nachgedacht on Spotify. Business Coach Dr. Marcus Disselkamp denkt monatlich über zentrale Themen der Unternehmensführung im digitalen Wandel nach - gelegentlich im Rahmen des Sonderformats „KurzNachGefragt“ mit spannenden Experten. Kurzweilig, praxisorientiert und inspirierend, betrachtet diese Podcastreihe die Schnittmenge aus innovativen (manchmal gar disruptiven) Geschäftsmodellen, modernen Führungsmodellen und digitalen Technologien. Viel Spass beim Zuhören und Mitdenken. Mehr auch unter:

Kurz Nachgedacht


Die Krise kann uns mal! - HIER

Digitale Plattformen - Die Outperformer – HIER

Die Rolle des Unternehmers in der Digitalen Transformation – HIER

Plattform-Wirtschaft made in Germany: Welche Firmen Amazon schlagen können – und wie -> HIER

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment

Apple notebook
Apple notebook
Presentation Case
Presentation Case