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Monika Herbstrith-Lappe

The future needs confidence. Ready for the sea of possibilities?



Personality, Success & Motivation


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Monika Herbstrith-Lappe
Trainer Monika Herbstrith-Lappe
  • Monika Herbstrith Lappe Raus aus dem Stress und rein in den Flow

  • Monika Herbstrith-Lappe Keynote Speaker für Motivation & Humor

  • rockyturtle

  • Best Of Monika Herbstrith Lappe Gemeinsam aufblühen

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Physicist & neuroscientist, motivational psychologist & author Monika Herbstrith-Lappe is THE expert for healthy performance and smart life-in-balance. She originally studied mathematics & physics at the interface to philosophy & psychology. A mental athlete, she completed her double degree at the age of just 22 with a 1.0 and later a 1.1 in neuroscience. A workaholic at a young age, healthy enjoyment of work has been her life's theme ever since. Her clients include medium-sized companies & international corporations, public authorities, educational & healthcare institutions. In her engaging & lively presentations, she talks about social skills for professionals, the human side of digitalization, the opportunities of diversity and why motivation & humour are also so important professionally. As an enthusiastic extreme diver, she uses maritime stories to offer concrete tips & tools for lightness in "dry" everyday life. She is a master in the interplay between humor & seriousness. She uses witty storytelling to make complex relationships tangible and memorable - with a neuroscientific basis. She knows how to create a joyful and spirited atmosphere at every event.


Change - The changing world:

  • How to deal with challenges with confidence
  • How to successfully shape your future with the "change formula"
  • How to establish a new culture of courage and use resistance to change constructively 
  • How to overcome limiting beliefs & expand your repertoire of actions 
  • How to find the right balance between caution & confidence to seize opportunities & minimize risks

Mental creativity & health:

  • Get out of the stress & into the flow!
  • Rewarding challenges for some, illness-causing stress for others: 
  • Tap into concrete tools for healthy performance
  • How to tap into the energy source "flow" based on neuroscience and use it optimally  
  • How to recognize, avoid and overcome the "flow killers"
  • Pimp my Brain: How to achieve more success and enjoyment of life with confident ease


The human side of digitalization:

  • Future skills for new work with AI
  • Changes and challenges through the use of AI
  • Cultural change & soft skills for the success of digitalization
  • Creativity: developing innovative solutions involving AI
  • Awareness of ethical challenges and responsibilities when implementing AI
  • Outlook on the human future with AI

Further topics:

  • DIVERSITY SUCCESS FACTOR - The power of heterogeneous teams
  • FUN SUCCESS FACTOR - Humor, the No. 1 creativity booster
  • LOTUS EFFECT - Unleash potential & let the unpleasant roll off your back
  • SOCIAL SKILLS FOR EXPERTS - How to communicate facts effectively and gain acceptance
  • SCORING POINTS AS A WOMAN IN MEN'S DOMAINS - Future-proof business needs men AND women

References & Press

"She made the room laugh and think."
Raiffeisen newspaper after a presentation at a customer event


"I have always enjoyed attending your presentations and have been able to take away and implement a lot of input for my everyday work. My colleagues and I were extremely enthusiastic about your positive and energizing presentations."
Andreas Matthä (FH), Chairman of the Management Board of ÖBB Holding


"I have never come across a lecturer who orbits the earth in such a high-energy orbit and yet never loses her grip on the ground.bravo!"
Dr. Andreas Schildberger, CIO University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences


"Take a look in the mirror held up with humor, charm and depth - it's worth it!"
Christian Tschurtschenthaler, BMW Munich, Head of Strategy, Planning, Release Center


"A lecture by Monika is like diving into the infinite vastness of the ocean: she sprays a variety of associations and quotes and thus always encourages new perspectives from the participants. An exciting experience that invites reflection and further thought." 
Prim. em. MedRat Dr. Günter Gál, Dr. med. univ. et dent. Christine Gál


"In her lectures and workshops, Ms. Herbstrith-Lappe harmonizes the mostly antagonistic dimensions of human activity, reason and emotion, in an intelligent and at the same time empathic way."
Sabine Schütze, Conference Director EUROFORUM Deutschland SE


"I always find it amazing and fascinating how Monika Herbstrith-Lappe, in her cheerful and unconventional way, manages to win over and inspire the most diverse target groups of our specialist conferences on "dry" topics in the shortest possible time." 
Manfred Hämmerle, Owner, Managing Director, imh Institut Manfred Hämmerle


"Dear Monika Herbstrith-Lappe, your presentation was and is a real benefit for me. For me, you are not only the ambassador of information, but also proof that fun, good humor and cordiality are part of business."
Christian Patzelt, Group Manager Workplace Support at TU Darmstadt


"Monika strikes the right note. And not only that - she sweeps us off our feet and makes us jump for joy. If learning is to have a lasting effect, then she can leave the most apt impressions. And it's really fun."
Martin Andenmatten, Managing Director of Glenfis, ITIL Master CISA-CRISC-CGEIT, Switzerland



Aufblühen statt Ausglühen (Taschenbuch): raus aus dem Stress & rein in den Flow (GEHIRN-WISSEN KOMPAKT: Aktuelle Erkenntnisse der Gehirnforschung)

ISBN : 3947104987

9.90 €


Tauchen im Ozean des Lebens: Tauch-Erfahrungsschätze für den privaten & beruflichen Alltag

ISBN : 3200041757

19.80 €


Leistungsstark & Lebensfroh: Hochwirksame Impulse für nachhaltigen Erfolg, heiter-souveräne Leichtigkeit und empathische Lebensfreude

ISBN : 3200045094

19.26 €


leistungsstark & lebensfroh mein Leben gestalten

ISBN : 3200049545

25.00 €



Expert Marketplace - Monika Herbstrith-Lappe - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Monika Herbstrith-Lappe - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Monika Herbstrith-Lappe - Impressions 2




Artificial Intelligence is a present reality, requiring responsible utilization. Digital Humanism emphasizes integrating human values into technology. Industry 5.0 prioritizes human creativity and collaboration with machines. Society's future balance lies in ethical innovation.

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Blossoming instead of burning out

Blossoming instead of burning out

The text discusses achieving more with less effort through neuroscience, distinguishing between healthy performance and workaholism, mastering flow, finding motivation through purpose, and the importance of balance in life. It emphasizes the bliss of achieving meaningful goals and the necessity of challenges for happiness and growth.

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Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Infotainment

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment

Windows notebook
Windows notebook
Presentation Case
Presentation Case