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Rainer Berger

Health is the basis for creativity, creativity for innovation



Medicine, Health & Fitness


Rainer Berger
Speaker Rainer Berger
  • Rainer Berger Vorstellung

  • !Knallhart Nachgefragt! mit Rainer Berger

  • Gesunde Unternehmenskultur - Sales-up-Call Hörprobe

  • 11-Min.-Rede von Rainer Berger: Nebenwirkungen PHÄNOMENAL: Warum Bewegung fast immer die Lösung ist!

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Rainer Berger is an inspiring and motivating source for movement, training and health. He studied sports medicine, training science and German studies and is an expert on a healthy culture in the new world of work. As a former top sprinter and bobsledder, he spent eight years as a product and promotion manager at adidas and Puma AG, where he looked after many world-class athletes. Today, under the name “Success Factor HEALTH”, he impressively and authentically combines health content with emotional experiences to improve corporate cultures. His vision: to make a HEALTHY CULTURE as a driving force for satisfaction and top performance in the workplace a top priority. True to the motto: “Make your company a fitter place.” In his training sessions, workshops and lectures, the health expert inspires with a firework of lived impulses from top-class sport and health. The sports scientist has also been presenting well-known sports and corporate events for years. He loves and lives movement and likes to turn many a lecture into a short-term fitness experience to get people moving. 


Health - THE resource of the hybrid working world

  • How to develop a high-performance mindset and boost your creative performance  
  • How our body works and how we make every cell cheer 
  • How to lead yourself and become a healthy role model for your employees and colleagues 

Healthy employees - healthy companies

  • How to create a working environment for best performance
  • How to establish a culture of health, become an attractive employer and improve your employer branding
  • How to make healthy changes in your company to remain fit for the future 

Fit in business - little time & still FIT

  • How to integrate exercise into your everyday life and use your workplace as a gym  
  • How to reduce stress, increase concentration and release new energy 
  • How to strengthen your resilience to stay light even in difficult times

Motivation & Volition - the psychological forces

  • How to turn your inner bastard into your best friend 
  • How you can actively train your body & mind anywhere in the world
  • How to turn resolutions into goals and goals into actions 

Exercise until the urn - healthy and fit in old age

  • How we keep our muscles young and why we should look after them
  • How to stay fit and maintain your quality of life with the “Luis Trenker formula” 
  • Why every exercise is an investment in the future

References & Press

AEG/Electrolux, adidas, Barmer, Baxter, Deutsche Post, GEA Group, HOCHTIEF, Hochschule für angewandtes Management (HAM), Krombacher, MAN Truck&Bus, Merrell, NürnbergMesse, Nürnberger Versicherungsgruppe, Puma, SCHAEFFLER, Siemens Health Care, Reisebank, Team Bank, Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh, Bosch, LagerBOX and many more.


“Many thanks for your great presentation. The colleagues were also enthusiastic about the exercises. Some colleagues have already been spotted climbing stairs. As you can see, we are staying mobile.” 
Marion Schoger, Nürnberger Insurance Group


“We pay attention to the health awareness of our employees early on in our talent identification events. Both here and in our management seminars, Rainer Berger supports us with theory and clear exercises. He always manages to reach and motivate all participants with a good dose of humor.” 
Gudrun Blankenhaus, Head of Management Development GEA Group AG


“Since 2022, Rainer Berger has been supporting NürnbergMesse with conceptual issues relating to the implementation of occupational health management. As a former competitive athlete, he combines his expertise in sports science with strategic consulting and thus creates great added value for his clients.” 
Dr. Ulf Santjer, Executive Director Corporate Communications & Corporate Marketing

“One man, one sprint. This bundle of energy gets to the heart of the power of exercise and nutrition in an expressive way. Motivating and inspiring, a joy to experience live.” 
Michael Leibrecht, Managing Director of Medien und Marketing GmbH


“Rainer Berger has been supporting our 'healthier through everyday life' initiative from the very beginning. We work with him on various topics (nutrition, exercise and relaxation). The great response from our employees and the successful cooperation has prompted us to hire him as a long-term health expert for our company health management. We as the client, but also our employees, are very satisfied with Mr. Berger's performance.” 
Klaus Wührl, Chairman of the Management Board of Electrolux Hausgeräte GmbH



Faszination New Work: 50 Impulse für die neue Arbeitswelt: Mit E-Book

ISBN : 3658246170

32.99 €



Eine Gesundheitskultur am Arbeitsplatz kann der Motor für Zufriedenheit und Best-Performance eines Unter-nehmens sein. Diese Erfahrung hat der Sportwissenschaftler und ehemalige Leistungssportler Rainer Berger gemacht. Er plädiert dafür, Gesundheitskultur zur Chefsache zu machen. Und damit ist nicht der Kicker oder der Obstkorb gemeint. Gerade im Hinblick auf Fachkräftemangel wollen junge Menschen ganzheitlich wahr-genommen, wertgeschätzt und unterstützt werden. Mit der Einführung eines Gesundheitsbewusstseins redu-zieren Unternehmen nicht nur Fehlzeiten, sondern sie fördern die Gesundheit ihrer Mitarbeitenden, stärken die Motivation und schaffen einen Teamspirit. Wie das gehen kann und was die Luis-Trenker Formel damit zu tun hat, erfahren wir in unserem Expertentalk.

Rainer Berger - Make your Company a better place

Gesundheit als Erfolgsfaktor

Der Podcast von der HAM

Gesundheit als Erfolgsfaktor

Gesunde Selbstführung

Impulspiloten Experten Talk

Gesunde Selbstführung


Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 3
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 4
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 5
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 6
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 7
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 8
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 9
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 10
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 11
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 12
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 13
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 14
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 15
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 16
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 17
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 18
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 19
Expert Marketplace - Rainer Berger - Impressions 20

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Infotainment

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment

Apple notebook
Apple notebook