Sven Enger, psychologist, business graduate and passionate entrepreneur, is an expert in conscious self-development. He started his career as a professional handball player. He also spent a total of 20 years in the financial sector, including more than 15 years as a board member and CEO of well-known international corporations. Today, the author imparts his concentrated C-level knowledge in his books, coaching sessions, seminars and lectures. His clients include executives, board members of medium-sized companies and large corporations. With his psychological know-how, he knows how to get to the heart of complex issues and bring them to life. His provocative and exaggerated style creates awareness and a desire for change. Sven Enger encourages people to live their full potential and invites them to make new experiences.
Personality, Success & Motivation
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Sven Enger, psychologist, business graduate and passionate entrepreneur, is an expert in conscious self-development. He started his career as a professional handball player. He also spent a total of 20 years in the financial sector, including more than 15 years as a board member and CEO of well-known international corporations. Today, the author imparts his concentrated C-level knowledge in his books, coaching sessions, seminars and lectures. His clients include executives, board members of medium-sized companies and large corporations. With his psychological know-how, he knows how to get to the heart of complex issues and bring them to life. His provocative and exaggerated style creates awareness and a desire for change. Sven Enger encourages people to live their full potential and invites them to make new experiences.
Empowerment - from attention to mindfulness.
Leadership is coaching - from the comfort zone to the growth zone.
The power of rituals - What we can learn from primitive peoples.
Other topics:
Everything to zero - this is how much people need digitization
Working environments of the future - from the workplace to a place of power
Corporate culture as a success factor - change needs culture
Which statement has remained in your memory?
"There is magic in every change. The art is to recognize it."
What touched you?
Sven lovingly but firmly leads the audience in his presentation to the following core questions: who am I and who do I want to be? The quintessence is: Only when I know myself and can lovingly accept myself, I am able to live my full potential. Every concept in the head can and may be questioned here. Its primary focus here is not to make you the best possible leader, etc., but to make you the best version of yourself. The decision in which direction you want to go and at what speed always remains with yourself.
For which situation would you recommend me?
When it comes to understanding change as something that sustains good and purposefully sets change.
Isabel Sorg, Managing Director, SORG Wheelchair Technology
Which statement has stayed in your memory?
What is it actually about and what do you actually want has stayed in my memory because it made me understand that proposing solutions is a narrative and it is about ideas.
What touched you?
The realization that the answer is always on the "inside" and cannot be found on the "outside".
For which situation would you recommend me?
Whenever it is a matter of rediscovering or rediscovering the identity of an organization or oneself.
Marc Bredenwischer, Managing Director SoSustainable GmbH
"As managers, we are always in the dilemma of continually adapting our created structures to the constant change in conditions. The transformation impulses come both from the outside, e.g. through customers or legal framework conditions, as well as from within, e.g. through demographic effects or a social cultural change.
The first impulse to conserve existing structures is human, but it is doomed to failure in view of the fact that we, with our structures, are only a small part of a constantly changing overall system. Moreover, not only do the conserved structures fail in the face of changing conditions, but their ability to act increasingly dies and this increasingly demotivates the people involved. This spiral turns faster with time. We as personalities with leadership responsibility are also continually exposed to this overall context and must also constantly transform ourselves.
Sven Enger gave us the necessary impulse for our necessary transformation process with his lecture. But not only that, since then he has stood by us for this side of our responsibility and the challenges to us as a personality. He understands how to trace complex patterns back to understandable basic analyses, how to actively accompany transformation processes and how to use the inner energy of the people involved to constantly transform ourselves.
Sven Enger gave us the necessary impulse for our necessary transformation process with his lecture. But not only that, since then he has stood by us for this side of our responsibility and the challenges to us as a personality. He understands how to trace complex patterns back to comprehensible basic analyses, how to actively accompany transformation processes and how to purposefully unfold the inner energy of the people involved for constructive reorganization. In this sense, I build on the collaboration with him and his team of sam waikiki."
Jan Vonend, Technical Manager Städtische Werke Magdeburg
Factual presentation
Impulses and motivation
Online lecture
Practical relevance
Business talk
Specialized lecture