Verona Pooth

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Personality, Success & Motivation


Verona Pooth
Speaker Verona Pooth
  • #nxtKNOWLEDGE Wissensforum 2024 Verona Pooth Recap

  • Höhepunkt des Felix Burda Award 2024: Verona Pooth erinnert an ihre Freundin Christa Maar

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Verona Pooth – the advertising icon – is a versatile personality. As a moderator, Spiegel best-selling author, TV producer, entrepreneur and successful podcaster, she has been a fixture in the German-speaking entertainment and media industry for over 25 years – 98% of Germans know her name. She can currently be seen as a presenter and producer in the second season of the successful format “More Than Talking” on Magenta TV. Verona Pooth has become a keynote speaker and recently gave her presentation “How to become successful despite supposed weaknesses” in front of 10,000 people at the Greator Festival. She is a living example of this topic. Her career is unique. Verona Pooth knows how to emotionally captivate her audience like no other. Her social commitment has also accompanied her for more than 25 years. Her donation of over 1 million euros enabled the SOS Children's Village “Veronas Casitas” to be built in El Alto in Bolivia for 112 orphans: “The best thing about my job is not just entertaining people, but also helping those who can't help themselves as an ambassador via the media platform - especially our children of this world.”


Career is no coincidence – How to become successful despite all odds

  • Is it all coincidence, is it all luck, is it all DNA? 
  • Learn the drivers and building blocks of success, how to become truly successful and achieve greater self-confidence
  • How to make a career without having perfect prerequisites

StartUp - The dream of your own business 

  • As a key testimonial for the cosmetics start-up “Pacific Healthcare”, Verona Pooth convinced over 250,000 customers of her brand in just 3 years
  • How you too can build a start-up and become successful with it 
  • How to convince investors and place your company on the market 
  • Successfully promote your company with the best practice factors

Moderation of galas, award ceremonies, events & company anniversaries

  • festive & charming
  • eloquent & stylish
  • humorous & likeable
  • authentic & on the point

Moderation of business, entrepreneur & start-up talks

  • best practice & insider knowledge
  • professional & confident
  • quick-witted & spontaneous
  • empathetic & multi-faceted


References & Press

In the course of her career, Verona Pooth has been given various 
awards, to name just a few:
2000: German Comedy Award for Best Comedy Commercial
2001: Bambi in the career category
2003: Maxim-Woman of the year (Business-Woman)
2003: “Honorary Businesswoman” of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
2004: Brisant Brilliant for her social commitment
2009: "Landesmedienpreis" (State Media Prize)
2017: "Bildung-Inklusive Preis" (Prize for inclusive education)
2018: "Kaiser-Augusts-Orden" (awarded by Trier Carnival Associatio)


Her social commitment to the SOS Children's Villages deserves special mention. Thanks to her commitment, an SOS Children's Village was built in El Alto in Bolivia. Verona raised around one million euros for the construction and maintenance of the children's village, where 112 orphans found a new home. Stern TV accompanied her when she personally laid the foundation stone in El Alto. Verona has also been an ambassador for the German Stroke Foundation, of which Liz Mohn is a founder and patron, for 18 years. At the Felix Burda Foundation, she has been committed to colorectal cancer prevention for over 20 years and was a close confidante of the foundation's initiator Dr. Christa Maar, whom she remembered with an emotional speech at the Felix Burda Award ceremony in April 2024. Verona is also an ambassador for the German Organ Transplant Foundation and has continued to support the Missio Aachen relief organization, which campaigns against child prostitution and its sexual abuse, for many years.



Nimm dir alles, gib viel!

ISBN : 978-3868829884



ISBN : 978-3000756665



OMR Podcast

Model, Musikstar, Werbeikone: Verona Pooth über ihre irre Karriere

Mit den Waffeln einer Frau

Verona Pooth


Expert Marketplace - Verona Pooth - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Verona Pooth - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Verona Pooth - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Verona Pooth - Impressions 3
Expert Marketplace - Verona Pooth - Impressions 4
Expert Marketplace - Verona Pooth - Impressions 5
Expert Marketplace - Verona Pooth - Impressions 6
Expert Marketplace - Verona Pooth - Impressions 7
Expert Marketplace - Verona Pooth - Impressions 8

Presentation types

  • Hosting

  • Interview

  • Infotainment

Required equipment
