Viola Möbius is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker and criminologist. This mix makes Viola Möbius one of the most unconventional speakers in the German-speaking world. With exciting theories from criminology, innovative messages, psychological levers of thought and with “heart and snout”, the lecture becomes a criminally good experience. Her stories are legendary and inspire with AHA moments, surprising twists and spicy humor. Viola Möbius lives entrepreneurship: she started out as a professional model at the end of the nineties, was an actress, presenter and had her own fashion label. Her first book was published in 2005 and she became a two-time Amazon bestselling author in 2023. She has been giving talks and seminars since 2008. In 2019, she graduated as a certified criminologist - sociology and psychology give her lectures, seminars and books a scientifically sound background. Her clear messages make her a popular media guest. Viola Möbius surprises, provokes, says what hardly anyone dares to say and hits her audience in the heart and brain.
Management, Leadership & Change
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Viola Möbius is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker and criminologist. This mix makes Viola Möbius one of the most unconventional speakers in the German-speaking world. With exciting theories from criminology, innovative messages, psychological levers of thought and with “heart and snout”, the lecture becomes a criminally good experience. Her stories are legendary and inspire with AHA moments, surprising twists and spicy humor. Viola Möbius lives entrepreneurship: she started out as a professional model at the end of the nineties, was an actress, presenter and had her own fashion label. Her first book was published in 2005 and she became a two-time Amazon bestselling author in 2023. She has been giving talks and seminars since 2008. In 2019, she graduated as a certified criminologist - sociology and psychology give her lectures, seminars and books a scientifically sound background. Her clear messages make her a popular media guest. Viola Möbius surprises, provokes, says what hardly anyone dares to say and hits her audience in the heart and brain.
Gamechanger trust - trust sells
Courage as a success factor - courageous people are market makers
Break through boundaries through problems - fuel for team competence, value creation, sales growth
References from A-Z include ministries, market leaders and well-known companies:
AIDA, AUDI, Douglas, Cartier, Mercedes, Saxon State Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Economics & Labor Baden-Württemberg, Haufe Akademie, RARI Food International, Ronald McDonald, Maria Galland Paris, CAT GmbH, Opel, Womens Business Day, Science for life
Press conferences:
“With heart and snout - How do we deal with each other?”
The Mediation IV/2023
“Charmed by NEW - Let's hear your commitment!”
Mediation II/2023
2-time bestselling author, 20-time author
Company references:
“It was really great and a great event. The keynote was really brilliant, inspiring, gripping, valuable and enriching. Many thanks for that! The feedback from our participants also reflects this.”
Karen Schaefer, Haufe Academy
ISBN : B08W5F72C3
3.99 €
ISBN : 978-3-96740-286-5
5.90 €
Factual presentation
Impulses and motivation
Audience interaction
Online lecture
Practical relevance