Malaika Loher

What goes easy is right!



Personality, Success & Motivation


de de
Malaika Loher
Trainer Malaika Loher
  • Surf your Leadership - Die Surfer Formel für erfolgreiche Führung | Malaika Loher

  • Surf your Life - Motivation ist mehr als ein "Why" | Malaika Loher auf dem SpeakerSlam 2022

  • Malaika Loher Speaker_Insides

  • Aus einem TEAM eine GEMEINSCHAFT machen! | Malaika Loher - Didacta 2023

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Malaika Loher, journalist, sociologist and extreme athlete, is an expert when it comes to inner strength and motivation. She is an example of consistency combined with adaptability and joie de vivre. Giving up is not an option for the sportswoman and author. There are always opportunities in life if you keep your eyes open, remain flexible and take action at the right moment.


She gained her wealth of experience as a publisher of a sports magazine, with her placement agency for dancers and a trip around the world with her husband and two small children, which had a particular impact on her.


Malaika Loher studied sociology/psychology and business administration. Motivation and self-activation were her main topics during her studies and are still the focus of her coaching, training and lectures today. For two decades, she has been showing her participants how to draw strength from within and how to react to changing conditions in a communicative, mentally agile and powerful way.


The experienced trainer inspires her audience with metaphors from extreme sports and the transfer to the business world. She shows how you can develop and use massive energy and drive in a resilient, focused and decisive manner.


True to the motto: demotivation is not a problem, but an announcement for change - change is not a challenge, but a door to maximum flexibility, the core competence for the working world of the future.



Surf your life -

Mastering the waves of life

  • How to develop courage and passion and identify and achieve your goals
  • How to tackle stress, fear and setbacks calmly and with inner strength
  • How to always focus on your wave and concentrate on the essentials
  • How to stay calm and react flexibly to change

Surf your Leadership -

The surfer formula for successful leadership

  • How to enable self-motivation and prevent demotivation
  • How to develop flexible and solution-oriented employees
  • How to set boundaries and create more commitment
  • How to build emotional security and trust in yourself and your employees

Surf the Change -

Riding the waves of change

  • How to deal with pressure, conflict and frustration
  • How to save energy and recharge your batteries despite chaos
  • How to manage emotions better and protect yourself
  • How to stay optimistic and prevent mental overload


Dialer meets smartphone -

Understanding, motivating and leading Generation X / Y / Z

  • How to lead and motivate Generation X, Y, Z
  • How to keep top talent in your company
  • How to keep a mixed-generation team together

Further topics:

  • Implementing customer orientation
  • Sales conversation management
  • Trainee training

References & Press

Extract of company references:

Rational Deutschland GmbH, Siemens, GKV-Spitzenverband, Hilti AG, Allianz Deutschland AG, Siemens Betriebskrankenkasse, Metro Cash & Carry, Fegro/Selgros, DER Tour, TT electronics, Comforte AG, GS Corpuls, Stabilo International, ARAG SE...


Customer testimonials

"Malaika has the gift of picking up her participants at the right point and then engaging in dialog on the topics that arise with and for the participants. Targeted questions lead directly to the point in order to gain insights and solutions. Thank you very much for your cooperation." 
Hermann Weiland, Head of Human Resources at Siemens


"Great preparation, empathy and optimal coaching of our meeting are the first things that come to mind when I think of last Tuesday. Through her manner and approach, Malaika managed to build trust in no time at all, which ensured and significantly accelerated the success of the team workshop. I was impressed by Malaika's coaching/steering, which ensured that the workshop was goal-oriented. Even in tense situations, Malaika always had words of encouragement and a big smile to 'save the day'. She complemented our team perfectly as a moderator and thus ensured the success of the event. Many thanks for that." Michael Schneider, Sales Manager Rational AG


"For me, Ms. Loher's generation training was a clear eye-opener for understanding cooperation, hiring new employees, communication, appreciation and, most importantly, the behavioral assessment of employees in difficult situations. All in all, it was a very good training! I can highly recommend Ms. Loher and will engage her again soon."
Wolfgang Schulz-Hanke
Group Manager/Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

Online Courses


Surf your life - 8-Wochen-Programm | Malaika Loher

Mit dem Surf your life - 8-Wochen-Programm von Malaika Loher durchläufst du einen mehrstufigen Entwicklungsprozess, aufgeteilt in Coaching, wöchentliche Aufgaben, Challenges und Meditationen.


Starke LinkedIn Texte für mehr Leads | Malaika Loher

LinkedIn Beiträge zu schreiben ist ein erlernbares Handwerk. In eigener Sache schreibt die Unternehmerin und gelernte Journalistin seit vielen Jahren Beiträge auf LinkedIn und anderen Social-Media-Kanälen. Ihr Motto: „Kein Content ohne Kundennutzen!“



Surf your life: und Du erreichst Deine Ziele mit Leichtigkeit!

ISBN : 395883292X

18.00 €



Führen mit Schmerz – Mitarbeiter motivieren, trotz schwieriger Zeiten mit Malaika Loher


Expert Marketplace - Malaika Loher - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Malaika Loher - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Malaika Loher - Impressions 2


Buchen Sie den "Surf-your-life"-Online-Kurs zum Buch von Malaika in der Speakers Excellence Academy. Lernen Sie sich selbst besser kennen. Überwinden Sie Ihre Limitierungen und nutzen Sie Profi-Tools, wie Sie Ziele anpacken. Ein Rundum-Online-Trainingspaket von Surferin und Coach Malaika für Sie und Ihre Mitarbeiter. 

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Infotainment

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment

Presentation Case
Presentation Case