Peter Gentsch is a speaker, entrepreneur and scientist all in one person and is one of the top experts in the field of digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI). He has been involved with AI in theory and practice since the 1990s and is considered one of the pioneers in Germany. He has founded and developed various AI companies and successfully sold them to well-known companies. Peter Gentsch is the author of numerous national and international award-winning publications and inspires his international audience as a keynote speaker with his vivid and entertaining style. He recently spoke at the WEF in Davos on the topic of “Game Changer AI - the opportunity for the German economy”.
Digitalization, Innovation & Future
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Peter Gentsch is a speaker, entrepreneur and scientist all in one person and is one of the top experts in the field of digital transformation and artificial intelligence (AI). He has been involved with AI in theory and practice since the 1990s and is considered one of the pioneers in Germany. He has founded and developed various AI companies and successfully sold them to well-known companies. Peter Gentsch is the author of numerous national and international award-winning publications and inspires his international audience as a keynote speaker with his vivid and entertaining style. He recently spoke at the WEF in Davos on the topic of “Game Changer AI - the opportunity for the German economy”.
Game Changer AI: How ChatGPT & Co is transforming and revolutionizing brands, markets and our society
Artificial intelligence for executives “What managers need to know and do now”
AI News: Regular update - What happened in the last quarter?
Peter Gentsch has done numerous projects, workshops and lectures for many corporations and medium-sized companies, including:
Allianz, Audi, Berner Group, BMW, Bosch, Coca-Cola, Conversion Boosting, Daimler, Deutsche Lufthansa, Deutsche Telekom, eBay, E.ON, ERGO, FC Bayern Munich, Google, Metro, Microsoft, MLP, Nintendo, O2, sky, Viessmann, Volkswagen, Würth, Nestlé, Rossmann, Berner Group, HIPP, Otto Group, Eintracht Frankfurt
“Incredibly exciting, informative and motivating at the same time, Prof. Dr. Peter Gentsch uses his talent to explain a complex topic like AI in a simple way and to trigger the one or other aha effect in the audience. Refreshingly different, with lots of entertainment value and dynamism - an enrichment for any event.”
Christian Ruppanner, Rita Wechselberger, Dell Technologies
“A lot of general things are said and written about AI - but finally a presentation that shows the concrete business potential for companies and the procedure for successful implementation - the presentation is an absolute must!”
Benjamin Klenk, Partner Struktur Management Partner GmbH
“Experiencing such a complex topic as artificial intelligence in such a lively and practical way was an experience.”
Wolters Kluwer
Peter Gentsch auf dem Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos - Artikel hier lesen
KI im Marketing: Mit lernenden Algorithmen zu neuen Zielgruppen - Artikel hier lesen
Professor Peter Gentsch ist überzeugt: „Künstliche Intelligenz trifft bessere Entscheidungen als der Mensch“ - Artikel hier lesen
"Man sollte KI als Inspiration sehen" - Artikel hier lesen
Peter Gentsch: Künstliche Intelligenz für Sales, Marketing und Service - Artikel hier lesen
Business KI verändert Unternehmen und Märkte - Artikel hier lesen
Tante Emma Reloaded – Wie Artificial Intelligence und Smart Data den Urtraum des 1:1 Dialoges endlich möglich machen! - Artikel hier lesen
Game Changer Artificial Intelligence - Wie sich Marketing und Kommunikation verändern müssen - Artikel hier lesen
Digitales Deutschland – endlich aufgewacht? - Artikel hier lesen
"KI kann Story Telling" - Artikel hier lesen
"AI in Marketing und Kommunikation" - Artikel hier lesen
Rezension „Künstliche Intelligenz für Sales, Marketing und Service“ - Artikel lesen
Titelstory der Absatzwirtschaft - Artikel lesen
PODCAST: Road To 2030 - Zum Podcast
Factual presentation
Impulses and motivation
Practical relevance
Business talk