Digitalization, Innovation & Future
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Social Media - The Pros and Cons
How social media, networks and opinions impact today's world in all aspects of business, branding, reputation, product development, customer relationships and even damage control and liability. Without a clear strategy and policy in place, your organization could be at risk.
Connecting in the Mobile World
Using ConnectCode - QR Codes on steroids - how we can extend the life of media buys by adding codes to TV Commercials, print and outdoor; deliver a mobile open-house experience; use QR2.0 to create a community and its dialog; increase revenues by facilitating spur of the moment donations; drive digital media sales and much, much more.
Know Thy Customer
If you don't know your audience, you can't possibly shape your message. How technology combined with strategy allows us to develop commerce into one-on-one relationships with consumers, study their geographical, social, brand-loyalty, political and personal views in both pro-active and passive forms, both online and in the mobile universe.
Art & The Beatles
Examining the detail behind the visual, pop culture, fashion and social influence introduced to the world by the Fab Four. The story behind album covers as diverse as Sgt. Pepper and The White Album. The movies, the fashions, the haircuts, the cars, the impact on the fashion and merchandising industries. Who were the behind-the-scenes teams that put the look together from Carnaby Street to Calcutta? A Magical History Tour of the sights rather than the sounds of the Lads from Liverpool.
That Was Then - This is Tomorrow
A look back at formerly cutting edge marketing techniques, from the start of the Beatles Fan Club on the McCartney family's Liverpool kitchen table, to the mobile web, iTablets, individualized airline entertainment channels, and envisioning where we can expect the industry to go in the next 20 years.
The Online Global Village
Marketing is no longer a local proposition since the inception of the Internet and mobile universe. Localization, understanding good and bad colours, user interfaces, traditions, superstitions and even why some Fortune 100 companies have failed in foreign markets through lack of local hands expertise are discussed.
Crashing Through the Glass Ceiling - From Above
Stealth methods for women in business. Why you don't have to play golf or play dumb to get ahead.
"Ruth is an amazing speaker! She brings to any audience a deep appreciation of the entertainment industry from her own personal background. Then she builds on that with an in-depth knowledge of the emerging technologies, trends and the traps of social media and mobile technologies which she can apply to a huge range of industries. I have had the pleasure of seeing her speak to groups of more than 2000 people and others with fewer than 50, and in every case, she captivates the audience, engages them in a dialogue, and enlightens them to ideas they haven't even begun to explore. In sum, every time I have seen Ruth speak I have come away with some amazing insights that I want to tackle immediately" Julie Smith David - Associate Professor of information systems and director of the Center for Advancing Business through Information Technology (CABIT)
Ruth McCartney and McCartney Multimedia have for many years been strong supporters of Otis College of Art and Design. From participating in Otis College Internship Fairs, to being Industry Reviewers of Digital Media Department Senior Student projects, to hiring Otis student interns, Ruth and McCartney Multimedia have helped advance the student and professional careers of many Otis students.
Art Durinski - Otis College, Digital Media Department Industry Co-Ordinator
We have booked Ruth as keynote speaker for engagements on behalf of the Louisiana Technology Council, VooDoo Festival, the Grammy Foundation and Harry Fox Agency. Ruth can do it all, from emerging technical trends with an audience of stackheads and programmers, to motivational and concept-oriented presentations for students and aspiring artists. Whether the audience is 15 or 1500, Ruth speaks with remarkable ease, a touch of humour, and undeniable authority. William Kelly - LTC EnterTech Chairman 1999-2004 and Co-Founder, 15 Minutes Music
Ruth spoke a couple of years in a row at my UCLA music business class about not just internet marketing but also the importance of owning your own customer database, back in the days when it was unheard of for people to be conducting e-Marketing campaigns on their own. Always a forward thinking person, Ruth was an engaging, informative speaker, on the pulse of the latest technology. Dina LaPolt, LaPolt Law, P.C. 9000 Sunset Blvd., Suite 800 West Hollywood