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Susanne Nickel

Imagine there is CHANGE - and everyone is happy.



Management, Leadership & Change


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Susanne Nickel
Speaker Susanne Nickel
  • Susanne Nickel Expertin für Change 4.0: Showreel. Praxistest. Keynotes die begeistern & Mut machen.

  • Wie Sie einen inneren Super-Coach entwickeln | Susanne Nickel

  • Warum Scheitern in Ordnung ist | Susanne Nickel

  • Was ist Ihr blutiger Zeh? | Susanne Nickel

  • Knallhart Nachgefragt mit Expertin für Change Susanne Nickel

  • Kurzinterview mit Susanne Nickel | Impulse to go

  • Susanne Nickel: Virtuelle Inspiration

  • Ziele 2021 - Durchsetzen. Durchhalten. Durchstarten | Susanne Nickel

  • Virtuelles Führen | Suanne Nickel und Gunhard Keil

  • Führungskraft als Coach | Susanne Nickel

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Susanne Nickel is THE expert for Change 4.0, innovative leadership and recruitment. For years, she worked as a manager and consultant in national and international companies – most recently with Kienbaum and the Haufe Group. She has been in and out of almost every DAX 30 company for several years. From changes in mindset to successful implementation - she knows how to
make necessary changes really work. She assists companies on their way to more agility in the jungle that is the digital tansformation. This speaker is a lawyer, business mediator and executive coach. For many years, she was a familiar sight on TV as a legal expert and is known for explaining complex issues in a simple way. She has written four books and studied dance with the famous Pina Bausch. Like no-one else, she combines supposed opposites such as creativity and structure, emotion and reason. Both are important prerequisites for a successful transformation. Let Susanne Nickel inspire you for your Change 4.0.


Innovative leadership: leading in uncertain times

  • The big change: from the old world to the new
  • Digital transformation through innovation
  • Co-creation accelerates processes, motivates teams and inspires people.
  • New management concepts – is everything is digital and agile?
  • Innovation = creativity: the de-rationalisation of companies!

Let‘s change – everything new, no screaming!

  • Change as the national sport: how to turn resistance into enthusiasm
  • The way to go digital – only with a sense of urgency
  • The psychology of change – good to know: this is how your employees tick
  • De-rationalisation: reason and emotion in harmony

Recruitment and employer branding – finding and retaining
the right employees

  • Strategies for an attractive employer brand with a magnetic effect
  • New approaches in recruitment – how to attract attention!
  • Candidate experience: optimal touch point design to attract talent
  • Talent management: how to become a top performer

Achieving goals – assert yourself, persevere, take off

  • How to accept resistance, turn it into energy and assert yourself
  • How to adopt and maintain posture, even when things get tough
  • How you can best use your personal success factors and hit the ground running

References & Press

Selection from the list of companies: ADAC, Atos SE, Bayerischer
Rundfunk, BMW AG, Daimler AG, Haufe Gruppe, Infineon Technologies AG,
Lekkerland GmbH & Co. KG, Linde AG, Lufthansa AG, Osram AG, ProSieben,
Toshiba Medical GmbH, Walt Disney Europe, WMF AG


  • European Training Prize awarded by the BDVT 2016 for the programme
    „Women in Leadership – Fit for the Future
  • Best Keynote at the GSA University 2016

“Susanne took the complex topic of change and broke it down for our
team into understandable and doable actions. Thank you for the inspirational lecture.” Kelly Page, VP Germany Oncolocy Takeda

„With her talk, Ms Nickel manages to hold up a mirror to us in a very
pleasant way, encouraging us to do something. I particularly enjoyed that.“ Steffen Kanitz, Vice Chairman of the Board, BGE

“The talk by Susanne Nickel was totally inspiring and enriching. And all this in 60 minutes. Excellent. Thank you very much.” Petra Strobl, Director PR & Events, The Walt Disney Company

„Many thanks and compliments on your brilliant talk.“ Thomas Gütschow, Managing Director, IVS e.V.

“A wonderful and rousing talk. Very motivating and with a lot of helpful
tips. Our customers were extremely enthusiastic.” Inken Wagner, Press and PR, BMW

Online Courses

Susanne Nickel offers 2 courses, 1 lectures and 
1 impulses on Excellence Academy.


Ziele erreichen | Der Online-Kurs mit Susanne Nickel


Führen auf Distanz | Susanne Nickel & Gunhard Keil



Verzogen, verweichlicht, verletzt

ISBN : 978-3959727792


Knack den Change-Code!: Mit Leichtigkeit Zukunft gestalten (Dein Leben)

ISBN : 3967391019

19.90 €


So geht Agilität: Die besten agilen Methoden im Job (Haufe TaschenGuide)

ISBN : 3648141872

11.95 €


Lust auf Change: Elf Co-Creation-Storys für eine gelungene Transformation (Haufe Fachbuch)

ISBN : 364815026X

24.95 €


Führen auf Distanz (Haufe TaschenGuide)

ISBN : 3648147781

11.95 €


Ziele erreichen: Von der Vision zur Wirklichkeit (Haufe TaschenGuide)

ISBN : 3648124625

9.95 €


Die Krise kann uns mal!: Wie Unternehmen wirtschaftlich und menschlich wachsen (Dein Business)

ISBN : 3967390268

19.00 €


Gestatten: Chefin: Karrieredrehbuch für Frauen (Haufe TaschenGuide)

ISBN : 3648132148

9.95 €



Expert Marketplace - Susanne Nickel - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Susanne Nickel - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Susanne Nickel - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Susanne Nickel - Impressions 3


> Die Krise kann uns mal – Wie schaffen es Unternehmen, wirtschaftlich und menschlich zu wachsen? - Artikel hier lesen 
> Falsche Mitarbeiter oder falsche Herangehensweise? - Artikel hier lesen
> Mut zur Veränderung – drei hilfreiche Tools - Artikel hier lesen 
> LEADERSHIP LEGO Führungskompetenzen aufbauen mit Lego® serious play® – Artikel hier lesen
> Visionen Bauen mit Lego – Artikel hier lesen
> Gegründet ... und nun? – Zwei Tools für Wachstum und Organisation!
> Artikel in changement! - Co-Kreative Tools
> Talentmanagement mit der Canvas-Methode – Artikel hier lesen
> Die Unternehmen der Zukunft brauchen ein emotionales Upgrade - Artikel hier lesen
> Menschen brauchen Sinn im Change - Artikel hier lesen

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Infotainment

  • Online lecture

  • Practical relevance

Required equipment

Apple notebook
Apple notebook