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Torsten Schröder

Presentations that remain unforgettable.



Communication, Rhetoric & Body Language


Torsten Schröder
Trainer Torsten Schröder
  • European Speaker Award 2022

  • Moderation Torsten Schröder

  • Gut sein, wenn´s drauf ankommt I Torsten Schröder beim Speaker Slam

  • Gewissenhafte Vorbereitung zum Erfolg | Torsten Schröder - Didacta 2023

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Torsten Schröder, communications expert, is passionate about language and communicating with all the senses and has turned his passion into a profession: presenting. He entertains his audience with charm, wit and the necessary seriousness to make the event a complete success. As a presenter, he not only provides the "red thread"; he also ensures that the audience and the other participants feel comfortable and accepted throughout the event. Together with his clients, he develops the perfect setting and, thanks to excellent preparation, provides the necessary suspense to ensure the guests' lasting attention. This applies to light entertainment at a gala as well as to fact-filled dialog at a trade fair. Torsten Schröder always finds the right words and inspires his audience time and time again according to the motto "The stage is yours!".


Event moderation

  • spontaneous & humorous
  • confident & multifaceted
  • journalistic & competent

Trade fair and event moderation

  • individual & empathetic
  • distinctive & charming
  • turns your event into an experience



Being good when it counts

  • Why spontaneity and experience are the perfect duo
  • Inspiring moments that make everyday life special
  • Why YOU are the star of your life

Dancing from the second row

  • How to draw strength from setbacks and forge new paths
  • Why the second row is not always a siding, but can be a great opportunity
  • Never miss the perfect second moment for the first place


Between diversity, VUCA & high sensitivity

  • Am I anything but ordinary?
  • Fidget spinner or jack of all trades - the fine line between high sensitivity, giftedness and excessive demands
  • Multitasking - How many jobs can you really do at the same time?

Can I lead you?

  • Leadership is like dancing - What we can learn from competitive sport for an emotional leadership style of the future
  • Leading and following - Developing new freedoms out of tradition and guidelines
  • Stability in stormy times - When leadership provides security

References & Press

Customer testimonials:

"I have already had the pleasure of experiencing Mr. Schröder live several times. As a moderator at an event and as a coach at a team event, he entertained those present without being intrusive, kept them calm without boring them, and always struck the 'right note'. In short: If I want to book a speaker, then Torsten Schröder." Dr. Ralf F.

"If you are looking for a smart, eloquent and empathetic podcast guest, you will find Torsten to be a versatile and experienced dance creator with whom I could spend hours chatting, exchanging ideas, developing ideas and much more. We are in constant contact and enjoy exchanging ideas - a colleague you could wish for!"

Heidemarie A. Exner, The Dance Ambassador


"Torsten Schröder taught our first-year students all the professional rules of business etiquette as part of a workshop at our university of applied sciences - what may sound dry at first, he turned into an entertaining program with a lasting message. Our students were just as enthusiastic as we were - we'd love to do it again!"
Ms. Collard, Head of Marketing at the European University of Applied Sciences

"Torsten Schröder hosted the gala ball for the 40th anniversary of our dance sports department. His witty and relaxed style of presentation, coupled with spontaneity and a great talent for improvisation, delighted all the visitors. It was pure entertainment. The success of this evening was largely due to him." 
Frank van Ackern, TSA Pulheim



Hochsensibilität – Jobchance oder Karrierekiller in der VUCA-Welt: Erfahrungen aus Coaching, Leistungssport und Job

ISBN : 3658379863

34.99 €


Aus der zweiten Reihe tanzen: Wenn du merkst, dass Du Dich im Kreis drehst, wird es Zeit, aus der Reihe zu tanzen

ISBN : 395963708X

16.99 €


Die 4 x 4 Formel der Führung: Wie Führungsstile des Paartanzes Ihre Führungskompetenzen um ein Vielfaches verstärken

ISBN : 395963658X

12.99 €


Tanzen ist Teamleading im Kleinen: Wie Tanz lehrt, nicht nur korrekt, sondern „richtig“ zu führen.

ISBN : 3959637624

12.99 €



Expert Marketplace - Torsten Schröder - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Torsten Schröder - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Torsten Schröder - Impressions 2

Presentation types

  • Audience interaction

Required equipment
