Winfried Altmayer

The future belongs to people brands! Everything else will be digitized.



Strategy, Organization & Corporate Development


Winfried Altmayer




Winfried Altmayer is a passionate speaker and brand expert. His focus is on on the two most important success factors for modern companies: People and brand. Only strong brands are successful in the long term. And strong brands need people with passion. In his presentation, Winfried Altmayer will show how these become people brands using impressive examples from over 100 successful company positions, which almost always led to market leadership. He draws his experience from over 2,000 workshop and seminar days in Germany and Europe and from his work as a brand consultant for medium-sized companies, corporations and trade associations. Winfried Altmayer has taught marketing at the University of Applied Sciences (HTW) in Saarbrücken, design at the Saar University of Art and Design and at Iscom Strasbourg, School Communication and Advertising. His keynote speech, the quintessence of over 30 years of brand work, he presents from practice for practice. The participants receive inspiring and motivating impulses that they can implement immediately in their company.



The future belongs to people brands!


This is the idea of brand and the core message of Winfried Altmayer's lectures and workshops. 
The focus of the keynote speech is on the two most important success factors of modern companies: People and brand. Strong brands need people with passion. The presentation will show how people brands can be created using impressive examples from over 100 successful company positions. Benefit from the experience gained from over 2,000 workshop and seminar days in Germany and Europe and from his work as a brand consultant for medium-sized companies, corporations and trade associations. 




Brand instead of marketing!

  • Authentic branding instead of short-term marketing effects
  • Contemporary brand work as the key to success
  • Why marketing myths should be questioned and replaced by brand work


The future belongs to people brands! Everything else will be digitized.

  • How passion creates human brands that inspire customers
  • Why people play the decisive role as brand ambassadors
  • How people brands have a lasting impact on corporate success


The brand is made in the HR department.

  • Why the right employees make all the difference to the brand
  • How every HR decision, from recruitment to promotion, is an opportunity to make your brand come alive
  • How brand authenticity is created through talent development


A strong brand through crisis and insolvency.

  • Why every crisis offers an opportunity to strengthen your brand
  • How to find a way out of insolvency with brand identity
  • Success strategies for brands in turbulent times


Successful mergers & acquisitions through strong brands.

  • Using brands as a unifying element in takeovers and mergers
  • Creating synergies: When two brands become a new strength
  • How to ensure long-term success after mergers through brand identity


Brand in the age of AI.

  • Opportunities and risks: How to use artificial intelligence for your brand
  • Allowing digital transformation to strengthen brand presence
  • The balance between technology and human authenticity in brand management




References & Press



ABI Group, Employers' Association of the German Real Estate Industry AGV, C.E.d.E.R. Modeagentur, CLIPPARD EUROPE, DEMAG, DFKI German Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Diabetes Zentrum Saar, HAGER GROUP, Forum Franco Allemand, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, KSB Pumpen, LVM Versicherung, RE/MAX Die Immobilienmakler, REXROTH, MINOL, OSTWIND Windkraft, ROTARY, RRC Power Solutions, SCHALLER AUTOMATION, Stadtwerke Saarbrücken,TEREX, VARTA, VIESSMANN, TÜV NORD ...


Association customers

  • Employers' associations 
  • Chambers of industry and commerce
  • Chambers of Crafts
  • marketing clubs
  • Trade associations
  • SME associations


Teaching activities

  • University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics, Saarbrücken
  • Saar University of Fine Arts, Saarbrücken
  • ISCOM, École supérieure de communication et publicité, Strasbourg




ISBN : 9783754344095

22.90 €



Expert Marketplace - Winfried Altmayer - Impressions 0
Expert Marketplace - Winfried Altmayer - Impressions 1
Expert Marketplace - Winfried Altmayer - Impressions 2
Expert Marketplace - Winfried Altmayer - Impressions 3

Presentation types

  • Factual presentation

  • Impulses and motivation

  • Practical relevance

  • Business talk

  • Interview

  • Workshop

  • Audience interaction

  • Online lecture

  • Specialized lecture

Required equipment

Speaker's desk
Speaker's desk