Medicine, Health & Fitness

„Sustainable leadership requires agility as well as mental and physical vitality!“

Markus Daniel Weber

In technical terms, health is the state of physical and mental well-being that is as good or bad as possible. Doctors tell us exactly when the condition is as good or as bad as possible. But how can we prevent illness now?

Of course, exercise, a healthy diet and changing lifestyle habits that are more of a burden than a pleasure can help. "That's easy", you might be thinking. But unfortunately, even a balanced lifestyle is useless if stress is a daily companion in your everyday life.

Avoiding stress is essential and everyone needs to learn how to deal with stress properly. The strategy for coping with stress is very simple: take breaks, think positively, stay focused, etc. - You know what to do next.

The range of topics covered by the speakers include: Nutritional lies, Fitness & enjoyment, Healthy lifestyle, Happy health, Fit for the job, Healthy skills as a competitive advantage, Stress-free despite digital overload, Organisational management, Performance lust instead of performance frustration, Stress energy as a success booster, Energy instead of stress, Health management, Vitality, Stress management, Work, etc.

Our top speakers will show you how to lead a healthy and balanced life.

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