Inspiration, exchange and impulses through the exclusive Top 100 Entrepreneurs community

Inspiration, Austausch und Impulse durch die exklusive Top 100 Entrepreneurs Community

Ermöglichen Sie sich und Ihren Mitarbeitern Weiterqualifizierung durch innovativen und motivierenden Wissenstransfer.

„In the coming age, networks will take the place of markets, and the pursuit of ownership will become the pursuit of access, of access to what these networks have to offer.“
Jeremy Rifkin

The "Top 100 Excellent Entrepreneurs" are among the most high-caliber entrepreneurial personalities in the German-speaking world and are exclusively honored with the "Top 100 Entrepreneurs" seal due to their special expertise and extraordinary company stories.

The exclusive online and print edition of the "Top 100 Excellent Entrepreneurs Catalog" is one of the most renowned reference works and directories for top-class entrepreneurs or speakers & experts in the German-speaking world.

Das Verzeichnis der "Top 100 Entrepreneur" im Überblick: