Top 100 trainers for your business success

The top-class expert and trainer network

Enable yourself and your employees to gain further qualifications through innovative and motivating knowledge transfer.

"Success is not something that just happens - success is learned, success is trained."
George Halass

With the Top 100 Excellent Trainers catalog, we present the best trainers and speakers in the German-speaking world in their own catalog. We are firmly convinced that the right experts will make your training event a success. We will assist you with advice and support in the selection, planning and implementation of your event.

Companies and training participants are setting ever higher standards for training quality. The "Top 100 Excellent Trainers" belong to the most top-class trainers and further educators and are exclusively awarded with the "Top 100 Trainers" seal due to their special competence.

The exclusive online and print edition of the "Top 100 Excellent Trainers" catalog is one of the most renowned reference works and directories for trainers, speakers & experts in the fields of politics, education and sports.

cms.A list of Top 100 denomination at a glance